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Need help in getting new skirmish AI into C&C3

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#1 PurpleGaga27


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Posted 12 February 2013 - 07:36 PM

Besides C&C3 mods like The Forgotten and Mideast Crisis 2, has anyone here managed to create another faction and got the skirmish AI for that faction to work in-game? I have been attempting to get six sub-factions for my KW Reloaded mod to get AI working in the skirmish/MP modes.


The good news was that I was able to compile the Skirmish AI files through the AdditionalMaps folder that had "MapMetaData_Global.xml" in it (this method works from the idea used in WrathEd). This winds up having loading the mod correctly through the skirmish menu because of the compilation through the global data instead of static data. I also added a schema file to associate the new factions to be enabled in-game. However, the sub-faction(s) AI is still not affected in-game when I tried to play a skirmish game.


I tried loading a mod with compiled skirmish AI files into the C&C3 Worldbuilder. I wanted all other factions to apply to all C&C3/KW maps. I need to add six new skirmish factions as AIs, but the problem is I was limited to adding two new players after adding new skirmish players altogether. The faction selection to a new player still does not recognize the new sub-faction(s). I was expecting to see the following new factions to be used in WB such as FactionBlackHand, FactionMarkedofKane, FactionSteelTalons and so on.
I cannot use the KW map files to be loaded into C&C3 due to incompatible format.

Edited by zocom7, 12 February 2013 - 07:41 PM.

#2 Azuzak001

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Posted 14 February 2013 - 04:42 AM

Sorry its been a LONG time since I've come here.  Yes, I have managed it.  I even put the source code out there on my MOD DB page for anyone else to mess with and try.




The trick is you have to edit the maps AND the ai code to get it to work.  Once the maps have had your AI code added in (it's been 2 years since I did it to my sample maps but it was really quite easy from what I remember when I did it) its pretty straight forward.  Let me know if you need anything.

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