Well lets get started on what is done so far :
- Structure Armor is now increased to withstand longer against infantry attacks
- Structure Build Time and Build Cost Increased to match a Building to it's respectable value
- Patrols and Civilians
- I've Begun to add Rohan as a Sub-Faction
- New Units so far :
- Gondor Spearmen
- Edoras Spearmen
- Edoras Archers
- Morannon Orcs - Simliar properties as ROTWK's Black Orcs
- Decreased the Damage of the Silverthorn Arrows a bit
- Changed the Hero, Villian and, Unit Armors so far to give them a unique purpose in battle
- Changes to Units :
- Porcupine Formation is now a movable formation (no longer a stand ground formation) which gives : a small bonus to Damage and Armor overall and A major Increase to damage to Calvary Units
- Knights of Minas Tirith limited to 4 battalions
- Spider Riders limited to 3 battalions
- Rivendell Lancers limited to 4 battalions
- Decreased the Horse/Foot Nazgul to only 2 per player ( If used correctly they could make Mordor too Overpowered now)
To Be Done :
- Apply New/Fix Animations for some units
- Apply the Rivendell Lancer's new Model
- Test WOTR Mode
- Finish Rohan as a sub faction for Men - teaser to their units
- (Maybe) Add the Erebor Warriors and Pike-men
- Try Make sure everything is good for release (Will also depend on BETA Testers for this )
And After the first 5 are done I'll ask for BETA Testers If I left anything major out I will edit it ASAP. I hope to at least complete this in 1 more Month.
Edited by Rider of Rohan, 21 February 2013 - 03:17 PM.