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Spawn infantry or vehicle

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#1 theend333

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Posted 04 March 2013 - 10:28 PM

Hi, how do i spawn a unit with with another unit?

#2 Apollo


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Posted 05 March 2013 - 06:29 AM

You know, why can't you look up existing examples from the rules such as aircraft carrier or anything else that exists that does what you desire and study its code...

Surely faster than always asking here and testing patience of people's helpfulness all the time when you can't manage basics...


In this case however, you may only spawn AIRCRAFTTYPES, other types misbehave if assigned as game only expects that type so your plan is not doable how you wish to.

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EAApoc wrote:
The only written law in a C&C game I ever saw is please Mr.Developer make it fun and give me a lot of **** to explode, o and don't you ever get another soul to play Kane but Joe Kucan. Aside from those two rules, all bets are off =) hehe

#3 Graion Dilach

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Posted 05 March 2013 - 07:59 PM

Within Ares a simple warhead anim can spawn player-owned infantry.


Combine it with a cluster areafire weapon and you have infantry spawning. Tho yea, those will not be drones but units on their own.


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#4 Immortal_Pie

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Posted 05 March 2013 - 10:47 PM

Gotta agree with apollo here, you seem to ask a lot of questions that are easily found out if you look through the .INI files. Like how to add trailers, deploy attacks, suicide attacks, spawning.


Please, can you at least try looking through the rulesmd or such before you post questions? Eventually people will just write you off as a lost cause, because you seem to be unable to do anything on your own.

You cannot learn if you get told the answers. You must find them out for yourself.

#5 theend333

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Posted 06 March 2013 - 06:07 AM

Well, sometimes it's not as simple as you make it sound. And why would i waste 20 minutes of searching for an answer when i can get it in 5 seconds from someone who knows it? seems pretty logical, wouldn't you agree?

#6 Apollo


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Posted 06 March 2013 - 06:50 PM

Life is never as simple as you would like it to be nor is this and in no way is it a excuse not to try yourself. By your logic, when you were in school you asked classmates for all the answers to equations asked by teacher than spend time to formulate the answer yourself to understand the process. If you got asked by teacher, well mr. theend333, how did you reach this final value, can you explain the process... your like umm...I forgot or whatever excuse you make up.


If everyone was like you, there would be no better modders than you and you'd have no one wiser to ask from and would either quit or figure it out yourself.

How do you think most of us learned? trial and error thats how plus the fact most of it is in clear english and fairly descriptive makes it even easier and on top of that, there is the tutorial forum explaining many of the basic things and some advanced things but by all signs, you read none and rather like asking.


Okay you don't wanna waste 20 minutes to try it yourself and you prefer everyone else to spend their time on you to give you answer? While they could have spent it doing something else, this world doesn't run on charity and good will... not to mention you make the assumption you get answer always quick while this is unreliable route and not always are the answers correct as some answer by random guesses than hardcore facts. Was this ordinary forum, you'd have been massively flamed by now for being borderline incompetent and lazy for showing such lack of effort.


It is not our job to spoon feed you every step of the way, you are being helped by newer people that still have patience to help while old vets wouldn't bother going to any detail for obvious reason.


In the end, its all up to you, you either actually learn how the game works and work far faster than depend on answers here or you will always be at mercy of others, your choice.

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EAApoc wrote:
The only written law in a C&C game I ever saw is please Mr.Developer make it fun and give me a lot of **** to explode, o and don't you ever get another soul to play Kane but Joe Kucan. Aside from those two rules, all bets are off =) hehe

#7 theend333

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Posted 06 March 2013 - 07:14 PM

You're comparing this to school, when in school they don't tell you to learn by "trial and error", so that doesn't add up. Also, when i avoid spending 20 minutes searching for a solution to a "simple" task, and rather ask the experts, i assume that the experts already know what to do and don't waste their time like you said. Anyways, i won't bother with these type of questions if it irritates you.

#8 Immortal_Pie

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Posted 06 March 2013 - 08:17 PM

Finding out the answer to your question took me a few seconds.

CTRL+F "Aircraft Carrier"

*Scrolls down*


Well. that wasn't hard...

#9 Graion Dilach

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Posted 06 March 2013 - 10:02 PM

Mr. theend333 please enlighten us experts what's our gain for spoonfeeding you. You're a parasite. You only ask stupid questions with most of them being easily figured out via using ModEnc, reading tutorials, understanding English and reading the huge list of comments in the pure YR ini files itself.


If you avoid figuring out a solution on your own, don't even mod. Because then you just copy-paste, not mod. Modding is an art, an experiment with an engine, everywhere. If you're too stupid to only be spoonfed and you're unable to understand any nondirect answers (like how you shown in the missiletrailer topic a month ago) then give up and just be a voxeller.


Even if we do know the answers of your questions from the tip of our heads... what makes you worthy of our knowledge? Your posts are lame, sir, and you should have realized it ages ago already.

Edited by Graion Dilach, 06 March 2013 - 10:02 PM.


AS Discord server: https://discord.gg/7aM7Hm2

ComradeCrimson: AS is the product of Hungarian acid
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#10 theend333

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Posted 06 March 2013 - 11:17 PM

LoL, don't blame me if you SUCK at giving proper explanations! i don't need your arrogant ass explanations anymore, get lost!!

#11 theend333

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Posted 06 March 2013 - 11:18 PM

btw immortal pie ya that was simple, but for i wantr to do i will have to do more tampering around, thanks.

#12 Allied General

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Posted 06 March 2013 - 11:54 PM

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#13 Immortal_Pie

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Posted 07 March 2013 - 09:00 PM

WE do not suck at giving proper explanations, YOU suck at reading basic information and learning from it. You ask for everything that you ever have a problem with, rather than trying to find out the answers for yourself.


If you took a bit of time to attempt to find the answer before asking us what the answer is, you would not ask so many questions, therefore we would not get annoyed with you.


yes, at school you are taught that trial and error is not the correct way to figure something out, but you are also told that you learn from your mistakes, which in essence is the same.


Before you post ANY more questions, try using CTRL+F in the .ini files and try to find the answer out for yourself. Otherwise people wont help you, I for one cannot be bothered wasting my time helping you, when there are many things I am trying to figure out myself, much more complex than your issues. Like adding entire new sides, and re-creating the aimd.ini file from scratch.

#14 Apollo


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Posted 08 March 2013 - 07:26 AM

I did not say trial and error was only way but it plays big part in learning from mistakes and widening comprehension of underlying core, rest is reading the damned INI just like reading that god damned school book and its conveniently in ENGLISH, not any gibberish but still you struggle in basics comprehension...




As far get lost, you may as well do so as you like waste anyone's time with your constant struggle to get anything done, any teacher would be rolling his eyes at you to decide if he/she gives passing mark out of pity.


For the record, Immortal_Pie here is relatively new guy and has done far better gotten started than you ever will and hasn't for once run a flooding of forum for every step of the way, admirable self dedication and worthy of mutual knowledge share as likely he can share on his own research too than just be leech and theend333 you are nothing but a knowledge leech and will do nothing to enrich our community with that mindset of yours and we want no part of it.


I'm veteran from times since 2000 when game came out, I self taught myself most things and english is not even my natural language so if I could do it, so could YOU and for the record, I despise people like you wanting easy roads, you learn nothing and also contribute nothing this way and I'm done with you, good luck modding, I sure won't help you and you can't give me or anyone else any good reason to other than pity maybe.

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EAApoc wrote:
The only written law in a C&C game I ever saw is please Mr.Developer make it fun and give me a lot of **** to explode, o and don't you ever get another soul to play Kane but Joe Kucan. Aside from those two rules, all bets are off =) hehe

#15 Graion Dilach

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Posted 08 March 2013 - 09:05 PM

 Like adding entire new sides, and re-creating the aimd.ini file from scratch.


You need an exe enhancer for the first (Ares or NPatch) and need to read the AI Guide a lot for the latter since AI Editor can't handle new sides at all AFAIK.


AS Discord server: https://discord.gg/7aM7Hm2

ComradeCrimson: AS is the product of Hungarian acid
ComradeCrimson: And magical hussars
Dutchygamer: and Weird Al.

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