While I wrap up Moria faction, and adapt to the latest movie, some questions have risen that I want to check with people that know the lore better than me. As far as I see, PJ have designed the orcs to appear like this;
- Moria is populated by vast numbers of goblins wearing armor.
- Goblin Town at High Pass is also inhabited by goblins, but of another breed and in lesser numbers, wearing no armor. Great Goblin is some sort of troll/goblin mix?
- Gundabad consists of orcs, not goblins. Alternatively "hobgoblins" (bigger goblins). In the movie, the warg riders do certainly look like orcs though, and not goblins of any kind. Azog is described as, and defenitely looks like, a large pale orc about the same size as a big uruk-hai
How well does this match the lore?