This topic is for Launcher support.
To get the launcher to work there are some things you may need to do.
1.Add the launcher to your antivirus exemption list - Some antivirus programs such as AVG give the mod a false positive result and may try to block the program.
2.Run as Administrator in the Windows UAC, sometimes you'll need admin permission to run this program right click then go to Run as admin
3.Full control permissions sometimes not having control over both the My Battle for Middle-Earth Files and the game folder can interfere with the launcher, right click the forum and select full control for your user account.
4.You'll need to know the version of Windows you are running on or the directory where you installed the game, the launcher has options for 64 bit and 32 bit Windows as well as a built in option for changing the game folder.
5.If you've selected more than one of the OS/Folder options you may need to delete the extra file. (see below)
Using a custom game folder directory.
The launcher gives you the option of setting a new directory and will save that directory to gamedirstore.txt.
The launcher automatically checks for gamedirstore.txt on launch(as well as 64.txt and 32.txt) this way you only need to set it once.
When adding a new or editing a directory the launcher will create and open a new text file.
The text file has the message "Enter new directory here, type it inside quote marks. This will be saved as your default can be changed later"
Delete that and type the new directory in quotation marks and make sure there are no spaces or other characters outside of the quotes then save and close the text file, the launcher will then continue.
After that you'll be directed to the Options menu.
If the launcher crashes when you try to launch the game/worldbuilder then you have the wrong directory.
What to do when you've selected used both custom directory and 64 bit/32 bit mode.
The launcher tracks your game folder location with small text files stored within My Battle for Middle-Earth Files.
Navigate to their and delete the correct text file.
64 bit mode is stored as 64.TXT
32 bit mode is stored as 32.TXT
and your custom folder is stored in gamedirstore.txt
So if you are using the default directory and you accidentally used the 32 bit or custom option simply delete the file for it.
Game Modes
In the launcher is a special feature called Game Modes which act as submods/modular mods of LWR that will change certain things within the mod usually code.
Most of the game modes at the moment are small easter egg type stuff as well as a testing mode.
In the future larger game modes will be added.
Game modes are activated with special codes which you input if you are correct the game mode will launch.
To test it out try the game mode code hobbits.
If you want to exit the game mode code option you can type back or close and it will go back to the Options Menu.
When using game modes in multiplayer both players must use the same game mode.
Game Mode Functions
Using the game mode codes there are also a handful of extra functions built into the launcher.
Using these other function codes you can open the readme file, change list or the manual.
These functions will be listed below.
Game Mode Codes
hobbits - Changes the shell map slightly.
test - Initialises testing mode with gives each player 99999 resources and 99 spell points at the start.
manual - Opens the LWR Manual (closing the manual will let you continue with the launcher)
readme - Opens the Readme file.
changelist - Opens the change list text file.
gmlist - will bring up a list of current game modes in a text file (at least the non secret ones)
nameset - Allows you to set a name so the launcher will remember it and welcome you by it. (It's a very polite launcher)
custom1 - Launches a custom game mode (see below)
custom2 - Launches a custom game mode (see below)
custom3 - Launches a custom game mode (see below)
Custom Game Modes
I've added in a feature that will allow users to create their own submods and launch them with the launcher.
Say for instance you want to make a minor change list adjusting a build cost you'd simply create a new big file called custom1.big (custom2 or custom3) with that change in there.
Have that big file in the My Battle for Middle-Earth Files folder and use the custom1 code and launcher will add that change to the mod without editing the original code.
I'll even be looking for interesting custom game modes to subhost on my forums (for public game modes the general modding rules apply) and the ones I really like could even become official game modes and added to the launcher.
If custom game modes proves popular I'll add more custom slots to the launcher.
The Launcher will automatically launch any patches I release without updating it.
Generally after every 3 patches I release will be condensed down into 1 patch file and the cycle will restart.
This way I can release hotfixes.
Easter Eggs
Inside the game mode code command are many secret codes that you can enter for various effects.
See if you can find them all.
This is just a little personal touch I've added to the launcher by setting a name the launcher will remember your name and welcome you.