but yeah, so i've got a somewhat custom campaign thing going on.
Alt. Universe, but still somewhat within the realm of possibility
Background: its in the mid-to-late years of the Post-Clone Wars Period, figure about 5-10 BBY
Instead of waiting until a few years before Yavin to form the Alliance, it is formed a few years after the end of the Clone Wars. through various means, the Alliance has amassed a sizable force of ships Moff-balled at the end of the Clone Wars, as well as financial backing by what is left of the CIS holdouts, and the Remnants of the Jedi Order to help lead the Army and Navy.
Empire: controls all default holdings in Chih's sub-mod
Alliance: controls Dantooine. thats it. again, Chih's sub mod.
Forces: Imperial: the default forces used in Chih's mod, albeit with some modifications to fighter compliments
Alliance: 3 Venator-1's, 2 Recusant-1's, 6 Acclamator-2's, 4 Dreadnought-2's, 8 Carrack-2's, 4 DP20's, 4 CR90's, plus a small force of transports and 12 additional Starfighter Squadrons. Roughly Equivalent to 1 Republic Squadron
Imperial: same as above.
Alliance: no one new, but i am having most of the Clone Wars Vets gathered at Dantooine, and at their base level.
Modifications: research prices and times tweaked. build prices and times tweaked. compliments modified. Death Star is earlier in its construction process, so it takes FAR longer and is FAR more expensive to build. Garrisoned Units also modified. Ion Cannon fires a little faster
any questions or comments are welcome