I have been trying for a while to get changes in the INI codes in Remix to work in game and somehow the changes do not do anything. I have edited the Conta 8 mod INI files before and they have worked for the most part. It is just that every change in the code of Remix does not seem to change anything in game. I don't know what I'm doing wrong or simply you cannot change anything in Remix no matter what. I would like to fix some of the bugs in the game and make some other major changes for things in the game I don't like.
Tank.INI folder ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Object Tank_ChinaInfantryBlackLotus ; *** ART Parameters *** SelectPortrait = SNBlkLotus_L ButtonImage = SNBlkLotus Draw = W3DModelDraw ModuleTag_01 OkToChangeModelColor = Yes ; --- idle DefaultConditionState Model = NIHERO_SKN IdleAnimation = NIHERO_SKL.NIHERO_STA 0 17 IdleAnimation = NIHERO_SKL.NIHero_IDA IdleAnimation = NIHERO_SKL.NIHero_IDB AnimationMode = ONCE TransitionKey = TRANS_Stand End ConditionState = REALLYDAMAGED IdleAnimation = NIHERO_SKL.NIHERO_ISTA 0 30 IdleAnimation = NIHERO_SKL.NIHero_IIDA AnimationMode = ONCE TransitionKey = TRANS_StandInjured End TransitionState = TRANS_Stand TRANS_StandInjured Animation = NIHero_SKL.NIHero_ISTAHIT AnimationMode = ONCE End ; --- moving ConditionState = MOVING Animation = NIHero_SKL.NIHero_RNA AnimationMode = LOOP Flags = RANDOMSTART TransitionKey = None ParticleSysBone = None InfantryDustTrails End AliasConditionState = MOVING UNPACKING ConditionState = MOVING REALLYDAMAGED Animation = NIHero_SKL.NIHero_IRNA AnimationMode = LOOP Flags = RANDOMSTART TransitionKey = None ParticleSysBone = None InfantryDustTrails End AliasConditionState = MOVING UNPACKING REALLYDAMAGED ; --- packing states ConditionState = UNPACKING ;Preparing to attack (unpacking gear) Animation = NIHero_SKL.NIHero_ATA1 AnimationMode = ONCE End AliasConditionState = UNPACKING FIRING_A ConditionState = FIRING_A ;Processing attack (hacking) Animation = NIHero_SKL.NIHero_ATA2 AnimationMode = LOOP TransitionKey = TRANS_FiringA End ConditionState = PACKING ;Completing attack (packing gear) Animation = NIHero_SKL.NIHero_ATA3 AnimationMode = ONCE End AliasConditionState = FIRING_A PACKING TransitionState = TRANS_FiringA TRANS_FiringAInjured Animation = NIHero_SKL.NIHero_IATAHIT AnimationMode = ONCE End ; --- injured-packing states ConditionState = UNPACKING REALLYDAMAGED ;Preparing to attack (unpacking gear) Animation = NIHero_SKL.NIHero_IATA1 AnimationMode = ONCE End AliasConditionState = UNPACKING FIRING_A REALLYDAMAGED ConditionState = FIRING_A REALLYDAMAGED ;Processing attack (hacking) Animation = NIHero_SKL.NIHero_IATA2 AnimationMode = LOOP TransitionKey = TRANS_FiringAInjured End ConditionState = PACKING REALLYDAMAGED ;Completing attack (packing gear) Animation = NIHero_SKL.NIHero_IATA3 AnimationMode = ONCE End AliasConditionState = FIRING_A PACKING REALLYDAMAGED ; --- normal-dying states ConditionState = DYING Animation = NIHero_SKL.NIHero_DTA Animation = NIHero_SKL.NIHero_DTB AnimationMode = ONCE TransitionKey = TRANS_Dying End TransitionState = TRANS_Dying TRANS_Flailing Animation = NIHero_SKL.NIHero_ADTF1 AnimationMode = ONCE End ConditionState = DYING EXPLODED_FLAILING Animation = NIHero_SKL.NIHero_ADTF2 AnimationMode = LOOP TransitionKey = TRANS_Flailing End ConditionState = DYING EXPLODED_BOUNCING Animation = NIHero_SKL.NIHero_ADTF3 AnimationMode = ONCE TransitionKey = None End ; --- cheering states ConditionState = SPECIAL_CHEERING Animation = NIHERO_SKL.NIHERO_CHA AnimationMode = ONCE End ConditionState = SPECIAL_CHEERING REALLYDAMAGED Animation = NIHERO_SKL.NIHERO_ICHA AnimationMode = ONCE End ; --- falling states ConditionState = FREEFALL Animation = NIHero_SKL.NIHero_PFL AnimationMode = LOOP TransitionKey = TRANS_Falling End AliasConditionState = FREEFALL REALLYDAMAGED AliasConditionState = FREEFALL DYING ConditionState = PARACHUTING Animation = NIHero_SKL.NIHero_PHG AnimationMode = LOOP TransitionKey = TRANS_Chute End AliasConditionState = PARACHUTING REALLYDAMAGED AliasConditionState = PARACHUTING DYING TransitionState = TRANS_Falling TRANS_Chute Animation = NIHero_SKL.NIHero_POP AnimationMode = ONCE Flags = PRISTINE_BONE_POS_IN_FINAL_FRAME ; our bone positions should come from the last frame, rather than the first End TransitionState = TRANS_Chute TRANS_Stand Animation = NIHero_SKL.NIHero_PTD AnimationMode = ONCE End TransitionState = TRANS_Chute TRANS_StandInjured Animation = NIHero_SKL.NIHero_PTD AnimationMode = ONCE End End ; ***DESIGN parameters *** DisplayName = OBJECT:BlackLotus Side = ChinaTankGeneral EditorSorting = INFANTRY TransportSlotCount = 1 WeaponSet Conditions = None Weapon = PRIMARY None End ArmorSet Conditions = None Armor = HumanArmor DamageFX = InfantryDamageFX End VisionRange = 300 ShroudClearingRange = 300 Prerequisites Object = Tank_ChinaBarracks Object = Tank_ChinaPropagandaCenter Science = SCIENCE_TANK ;(Deleted this line) End BuildCost = 1500 BuildTime = 20.0 CommandSet = Tank_ChinaInfantryBlackLotusCommandSet ; (Deleted max limit for Black Lotus) ExperienceValue = 49 71 104 149 ExperienceRequired = 0 100 200 400 IsTrainable = Yes CrushableLevel = 2 ;What am I?: 0 = for infantry, 1 = for trees, 2 = general vehicles CommandSet = Tank_ChinaInfantryBlackLotusCommandSet Continued....... Science.INI Folder ;; ------------------------------------- ;; Sciences ;; ------------------------------------- Science SCIENCE_ParticleTech PrerequisiteSciences = None SciencePurchasePointCost = 1 IsGrantable = Yes End Science SCIENCE_MicrowaveTech PrerequisiteSciences = None SciencePurchasePointCost = 1 IsGrantable = Yes End Science SCIENCE_ShieldTech PrerequisiteSciences = None SciencePurchasePointCost = 1 IsGrantable = Yes End Science SCIENCE_MicroTree PrerequisiteSciences = None SciencePurchasePointCost = 1; note that this means "not purchasable", NOT "free"! IsGrantable = Yes End Science SCIENCE_MacroTree PrerequisiteSciences = None SciencePurchasePointCost = 1; note that this means "not purchasable", NOT "free"! IsGrantable = Yes (All of these sciences from INTRINSIC (Base level) Sciences where all moved to the SCIENCES section in the SCIENCES.ini folder)
I have even tried just deleting code in the Remix ini and launched the game and it did not crash at all. I'm getting very frustrated that nothing is working. Can someone please tell me what I should do to get these changes to actually work? That would be great. By the way, I have tried using both final big and notepad to edit these codes.