Official Change List for Return of Shadow Beta 0.15
Known Issues:
- Evil Campaign Isengard is playable but doesn't seem to be able to be finished.
- 3 Dunland unit textures don't have Heavy Armour versions these will be added.
- Went through and replaced most of the Formation button images with new Icon based designs, still need to make a few more types, for now the Chevron type is a generic placeholder.
- Shieldbearers will give a small leadership buff to nearby units (basic infantry) that will give them +30% armour when in formation
- Shortened duration of Nazgul summon from 80s to 60s
- Shortened duration of Eagles summon from 90s to 60s
- Added a few more voices to eva voices for Lorien and Harad
- Added,removed and replaced a whole bunch of music.
- Adding in the Deep's music set
- Slowly adding New Good (Dale)
- Removed the Evil men music set, Harad and Rhun now use the New Evil set which has been updated.
- Disabled all Faction upgrades when the Citadel is in the Rubble state
- 2 New attacks animation for Theoden (based on Boromir's)
- New engaged run animation for Boromir (runb, replacing the dodgy animation)
- Made a new walk animation for Theoden (based on the Boromir one based on the Tower guard)
- Added another attack animation for Theoden (based on the tower guard)
- Changed the blood fx, the spurts shouldn't rotate anymore, new sprites and tweaked duration and size.
- Changed the regular sword hit fx a bit
- Added new FX for Axe hit (will need to add new hit sounds since the game doesn't really have any)
- Starting a gradual process of improving various FX like projectiles looking more devastating and better fire and all that basically MOAR SPLOSIONS!!!!1
- Added a bit more FX to Artillery impacts, dust clouds
- Removed the decal from Fire stones impact, added some flaming debris when impacting
- Added a generic building upgrade voice for the Elves
- Started work on a new animation set based on the Elven Warrior one, this adds a shield intended for the Rivendell Warrior
- Added a few more sword attack animations for Elven Warriors based on the idle animation for the Elven Barracks.
- Added in modified firing animations for Elven Warriors from old build (changes the angle of the bow)
- Compressing down a whole bunch of textures, removing some obsolete ones as well. (I've shaved lwrart2.big from about 1.2gb down to under 500mb.
- Added a fear animation to the Eomer and Theoden sets so units will shudder (once I code them in)
- Compressed down lwrart1.big knocked it down to about 500mb as well, the current total is 2.7gb so I think all up with patches I've shaved off about 600mb or so.
- Tweaked the camera system to hopefully fix the zoom thing.
- Made some more modified anims for Boromir's set this time
- Fixed labels for camera buttons
- Updated some of the Banner ui stuff and added new categories
- Fixed the missing music from the New Evil set and updated some of the rest
- Fixed the Call of the Nazgul sounding to the wrong upgrade and to all factions with that upgrade
- Added 2 more anims to Eomer:Legolas's spin attack and one of the Elven stab attacks
- Added in faction exclusive FU Menu buttons
- Slightly weakened the armour for the Tough Hero set (Gimli, Borgo etc)
- Updated the loading screens and logo
- Fixed the weapon bones for the 3 Orc fighter fear animations.
- Fixed damage type for various hero attacks, they were doing Slash instead of Hero making weaker than they should have been (mostly Elven heroes)
- Updated the Launcher to check for the asset.dat when launching in case it's missing, it'll replace it.
- Removed a duplicate code that may have been causing issues.
- Added new Game mode - camera which adds in the Camera buttons, do not use in multiplayer.
- Updated text to reflect name change.
- Changed the launchers name and icon it's now called PlayReturnofShadow.exe
Good Campaign:
- Fixed Lothlorien bug with Barracks/Training Hall
- Replaced Draft with Shroud
- Made non exp Goblins that will add as filler units to kill during Moria to increase the difficulty a bit.
- Fixed a crash on the Minas Tirith stage
Evil Campaign:
Maps updated:
- Evil Anorien
- Evil Fords of Isen
- Evil Anfalas
- Evil Gap of Rohan
- Evil Belfalas
- Evil Brown Lands
- Evil Cair Andros
- Evil Harlond
- Evil Lebennin
- Evil Mirkwood
- Evil Mouth of Entwash
- Evil North Ithilien
- Evil Central Ithilien
- Evil Crossroads
- Evil Dead Marshes
- Evil Druadan Forest
- Evil Dunharrow
- Evil East Emnet
- Evil Eaves of Fangorn
- Evil Emyn Arnen
- Evil Emyn Muil
- Evil Enedwaith
- Evil Pelargir
- Evil Rohan
- Evil West Emnet
- Evil Westfold
- Evil Amon Hen
- Evil Edoras
- Helm's Deep
- Isengard - Unfortunately the map can't be completed I've been unable to find out how, but I'll look into adding a shortcut for it.
- Added in the updated Fror's Fall, fixed the typo in the description Fror is once again a King.
- Adjusted the position of an outpost for Anfalas so the defence plot doesn't clip with the cliff.
- Added some moonlight beams and creeps to Dol Baran (1 Wild Wolf and 6 Hillmen)
- Fixed zoom for Harlindon Moors and Giant's Pass
- Fixed _art and _pic for Forlindon (typo naturally)
- Rescaled Skydomes.
- Going through and unscaling skydomes in maps so far:Ephel Duath, Forlindon, Barrow Downs, Dimholt, Deserts of Harad, Minhiriath, Weathtop, Weather Hills, Chetwood, Dol Baran, Valley of Angmar, Lone-Lands, Glanduin, Ice Bay of Forochel
- Finished Thrain's Vale
- Added the missing _art and _pic for Withered Heath and Winter, also added snow map.ini to Winter.
- Finished North Dunland
- Finished Vale of Wulf
- Started new map Lower Methedras
- Made a bunch of new props from various buildings Dunland, Rivendell and Lindon.
- Made a couple new emitters for smoke and stuff
- Rock Moors and Rock Moors B set now go up to 38
- Red Rock set now goes up to 38
- Added a couple new Erebor/Dwarven props a big face and a sort of wall piece (unfinished for now)
- Fixed creeps on Howling Hollow map
- Updated Nimrodel:Fixed the ford, fixed the base orientation and added 2 Expansions.
- Fixed North Dunland starting positions
- Fixed skydome, texturing for River Carnen
- Fixed zoom for Emyn Arnen
- Cave Troll no longer has wood
- Added in the Troll and Bear lairs forgot them before
- Made a new Mountain Orc creep no art yet though.
- Changed the FX for Muster
- Made a Door Warden Banner carrier.
- Gondor Econ now properly builds Gondor Farm
- Added doom trigger for Treb Fire Stones (there was one for normal but not fire stones)
- Changed the FX for Call the Archers
- Made CG Banner carrier
- Reskinned the Lorien Banner, now uses a cream and gold colour theme with almost the same design otherwise.
- Fixed label for Galadhrim Captain Armour
- Made new banner carriers for Galadhrim and Amroth Vanguards
- Amroth Vanguard now upgrades his shield and cape textures with HA.
- Added a streak when attacking when upgraded with Mallorn Staves
- Reverted the Talan contain modules back, I might have to tweak the model to get the banner carrier in the right spot.
- Fixed Galadhrim base texture so no longer starting with HA
- Tweaked the Talan models, changed banner bone into a passenge bone, fixed some shadows and combined loose meshes
- Updated castle wall texture
- Reduced the needed exp to level the Galadhon Barracks
- Reduced the horde size of Amroth Vanguards down to 5 to match other Heavy Elite hordes, improved health closer to what it should have been (from 100 to 320), improved armour as (see GW below)
- Improved Galadhrim Warrior health slightly and armour (less damage from magic, pierce and slightly less from crush,uruk and slash)
- Added Take Aim to March Wardens
- Improved MarchWarden health (from 100 to 200) and improved their armour against default damages and against Pierce and flame.
- Improved Lorien Archer armour to take 100% damage from default instead of 150% and reduced Crush,Slash and uruk damage taken by about 10-20%
- Banner Carriers now become invisible when "contained" this is to stop them from standing in the tree.
- Made a new Talan version for Castles, these are taller, also removed 2 Sentry talans from the castles.
- Fixed a passenger bone for the Castle talan
- Added new Camp prop versions
- Made 2 new props for Lorien bases Golden Fern and Golden shrub
- Updated castle floor texture
- Updated Edhellor's model with Javelins
- Tweaked Hit FX for Javelins
- Coded in Edhellor's new Javelin stuff
- Coded in Shield Piercer
- Moved Shatter Armour and Shield Piercer to level 3
- Replaced Gatebreaker with Siege Breaker - Passive anti structure boost
- Replaced Haven of Light with Nenya Unleashed - Passive upgrade adds knockback to attack, more damage, more spell damage and health.
- Replaced the "Keep is built" voices with the generic Lorien building one
- Playing with the talans again.
- Toned down Lorien Archer damage against heroes and structures by 25% when upgraded with Fire Arrows (they were far too powerful when upgraded) Citadels take 50% less damage
- Fixed the talan issue finally
- Fixed the sounds for the Ent Faction ugprades
- Repositioned Castle talans to fix a garrison issue
- Made new Lorien Statue model and coding in now.
- Updated Lorien barracks texture which also means the build up for the Lorien Training Hall as well
- Removed the shadows from Talans because of weird stretching
- Added a basic idle animation for the Orchard (it's our good friend elf reader from the Noldorin Library)
- Added BP and BI for Lorien Statue
- Added new voice for March Wardens
- Replaced SA/SP with new Wind Piercer
- Added a streak when attacking when upgraded with Discipline Training, also tweaked the code too.
- Lugmog's Lure Swarm now spawns 1 at a time (oversighted and had it spawn 6)
- Deleted the Kings Man code
- Weakened the Troll hero some more (still too overpowered) weakened armour so he now takes more damage from Pierce and Flame, 100% damage from Specialist and +50% damage from Magic and heroes
- Weakened the Troll Hero's damage and reduced his damage radius a bit too.
- Shortened duration of Troll Hero from 75s to 60s.
- Added anims to Lugmog for between shots and attacking
- Moved Lure Swarm to level 5 as it should be.
- Scaled up Trolls (they look like they should: imposing)
- Trolls shouldn't eat Orc heroes now
- Removed the annoying sound from reflect
- Added Move sound for Morgul Uruks
- Fixed build sound for Morgul Uruk
- Updated Morgul Den bib
- Added client sounds to Morgul Uruks
- Orc Worker has new art (randomises between 3 Orc body types)
- Replaced the hit FX for non upgraded Mordor Catapult rocks
- Improved and tweaked the AI to make them tougher (they cheat now and you'll probably notice how)
- Changed FX for Sauron summon
- Removed Troll Hero's rampage
- Reduced the damage boost from Troll Hero Fury to 150% and he doesn't get a new weapon when using it.
- Readded missing glow for Fury and removed the colour change
- Removed broken streak from Lugburz Soldiers
- Increased anti-structure damage for Lugburz Soldiers
- Ballista model updated
- Siege Ladder model updated
- Explosive Mine model updated
- Added the Testudo idle and attack anims to Shieldbearer
- Added new leadership buff for Testudo formation
- Improved White Hand Guard armour against Pierce and Flame (they were way too easy to pick up with towers)
- Improved White Hand Guard health from 150 to 170
- Added new voices for White Hand Elite
- Added build sound for WH Elite and Guard
- Added Isengard specific build sound for Slaughterhouse
- Added build sound to armoury
- Uruk worker now has art
- Heroes are now immune to the Storm knockback to prevent lock down.
- Fixed a binding issue for Ballista
- Updated the AI to build the new versions of the Siege weapons.
- AI should purchase HA for units now.
- Added in the combo horde for Fighters-Crossbows
- Added Slam Shooter (now passive upgrade at level 8) to Lurtz
- Improved the Wildmen summon giving them more health, also added the fire FX
- Tweaked the models for Warriors, Hobelars and Bowmen (Hobelars have more random gear same as Warriors)
- Changed Halbar's animation set and tweaked him.
- Talbor now has art (and looks pretty cool)
- HP and HIs for Halbar and Talbor
- Coded in Talbor abilities
- Updated the Dunland Warrior model
- Made HI for Crebain
- Updated FX for White Wizard
- Updated FX for Fell Shroud
- Added FX for Gather the Clans
- Made UP for Hillmen
- Moved War Paint and Torches to level 2 Hut
- Hillmen moved to level 2 Hut
- Added missing textures
- Fixed some missing labels.
- Lodge has new art and states and BI
- BIs for Recover, Woodcraft, Dunland Raids, Dunlending Vengence
- Updated the Farm's model to the correct version
- Added missing labels for heroes
- Lodge has exp levels now
- Moved Dogs to Hut
- Coded in new Javeloteer unit
- Javeloteer has art, BI and UP
- Fixed a Farm model issue and added smoke fx bones for d2 states
- Added the Dunland Banner spawn FX to the well and banners
- Fixed the outpost (a typo naturally)
- Fixed missing HA texture for Javeloteer
- Changed the Warhound locomotor:He starts out moving as fast as the other Dunland units but when attacking he gains +50% boost, I also reduced turning, accel and decel rates
- Changed the Kindof and Enum for Crebain so it will function more like the Eye of Sauron so you can't just use Crebain to take all the bases on the map at once.
- Updated Citadel model with _d states
- Made the Great Keep model with states.
- Coded in Caltrops for Orleth
- Tweaked Whirling Arrows
- Removed the insta level 10 from Orleth (I always forget to remove them in live versions)
- Coded in Blood Oath and Blood Ritual for Halbar.
- Fixed label for War Paint
- Removed Fire Torch upgrade from Hillmen
- Updated some BIs
- Fixed label for Unrelenting Rage
- Set Unrelenting Rage to the correct level
- Added exp levels for Saruman summon
- Removed the Elf sounds from Orleth's weapon toggle
- Added streaks to Wildmen and Hillmen when upgraded with War Paint
- Updated Dunland Bowmen weapon to the right one, also changed the armour type to Dunland
- Added client sounds to Dunland Warriors, Wildmen and Hillmen
- Coded in Battering Ram and Crew
- Coded in/Fixed the Farm Faction Upgrade
- Coded in/Fixed the Woodcutter/Woodcrafters Faction upgrade
- Changed how the Wildmen Fire Torch works - now passive upgrade and no longer debuffs against units so basically changes to fire damage
- Scaled down Wildmen Torch damage to structures a good deal
- Added fire FX to Torch
- Added exp levels for WoodCutter
- Reduced exp needed to get to level 2 Hut
- Reduced damage versus regular units for unupgraded Wildmen
- Added bounding box to Hut _d states so it can be selected when damaged.
- Added V upgrades to Hut and Lodge (only level 3 since the Dunlendings aren't very flashy, or I'm lazy it's one of those)
- Fixed the Farm so it can build units
- Dunland Ram crew have art
- Coded in new Borgo abilities - Launcher, Target, Great Reap and High Chief leadership
- Removed Swift Reaper and Replaced Scythe reap with Great Reap
- Added animation codes for the 3 new attack skills for Borgo
- Borgo has better armour and higher health
- Removed some duplicate build times and costs
- Added Borgo to the king list
- Remade Castle wall into a walkable type
- Made castle elevator
- Reworked the Stead, Lodge and Farm with new designs.
- New "Edge" Left and Right models, these are book ends for the castle that go between the regular walls and the bridge
- Made a new bridge
- Adding new Castle upgrade
- Made castle upgrade tower
- Made castle upgrade foundation
- Made new camp gate thing
- Added new Crebain FX to Gather the Clans
- Vanguard now has art (not completely finished but it'll do for now)
- Vanguard has BI
- Updated the BPs for various buildings and added the missing ones for Hut and Stead.
- Scripted in the basic spell AI, probably not fully functional but it's a start.
- Changed the banner design to a brown banner with the Black Crebain sign on it.
- Updated model and textures for Citadel
- Updated Dunland Warrior textures
- Updated Dunland Warrior textures and model yet again, they now have more beard types and helmets and added FB.
- Updated Shield textures
- Updated cape textures
- Removed shields from Hobelars
- Updated art for Bowmen
- Updated art for Javeloteers
- Updated art for Vanguards
- Added second anim version of Wildmen
- Dunland Woodcutters now has art (I apparently made art for it a while back and forgot to add it)
- Rescaled Stead and Lodge, repositioned them and added shadows
- Added shadows to Smelter
- Camp walls now have shadows
- Added shadows to Citadel and Great Keep models
- Worker now has art
- Removed the dust fx from the Wildman (with the torches and War paint way too many FX on them)
- Split the Wildmen into 2 variations
- Removed Elf attack sound from Warrior attack
- Fixed exp level for Hobelars
- Added Dunland workers to Woodcutters and updated the code serve as a supply centre
- Fixed scale for Workers, added random texture code
- Added labels for Ram and Ladder
- Coded in new Hunting Dog Training Faction Upgrade
- Reduced War Hound health a bit.
- Added BIs for Woodcutters, Battering Ram and Ladder
- Borgo finally has art (though there are some binding issues to fix)
- HP and HI for Borgo
- Updated Upgrade sounds added the 3 Faction Upgrades, Torches and War Paint as well as the spell War Craft and Tenacity.
- Added cset for Workers, Removed Orc voice
- Updated cset for Woodcutters
- Added label for Woodcrafters
- Updated Up for Ram
- Removed whistle from Fell Shroud
- Added Banners for Hobelars
- Updated Drought FX
- Changed FX for Dunlending Vengeance
- Added walk anim for Vanguards when in formation and gave them the right attack animations
- Dunland Well now has art (I had already made basic version ages ago and forgot)
- Updated model/texture for Towers
- Worked some more on the AI, added in upgrades, updated teams with proper units, made them pretty tough
- Fixed weapon for war paint
- Darlas now has art finally
- Added HP, HI, Res images for Darlas
- Changed Darlas' skills to more of a gank type hero
- Toned down Drought to only affect resource structures, lasts 30 seconds and has a smaller radius
86 lines of change
4 lines of change
41 lines of change
8 lines of change
15 lines of change
4 lines of change
1 line of change
Dol Guldur:
7 lines of change
2 lines of change
Good Campaign Map Changes:
Added in the grass from the mp version of Rohan map to SPS version, tweaked lighting and added some atmos effects
Replaced old uruks for Good Rohan map
Fixed zoom
Removed Armoury, Workshop, Eastfold Lancers, Westfold Hall
Added a script that adds the Battering Ram to the Hall once the tower objective has been done.
Fixed zoom
Added some goldish atmos to Lothlorien
When you do the Slaughter House objective the starting Lorien Archers will get White Fire Arrows.
Evil Campaign Map Changes:
- Anorien Evil - Changed Mordor Objective to Morannon Soldiers
- Mirkwood Evil - Replaced Rohan Elves with Mirkwood Archers
- Entwash Evil - Replaced Rohirrim Riders with Eastfold Lancers and Bowmen with Eastfold Yeomen
- North Ithilien Evil - Replaced Haradrim old with new and Easterlings with Haradrim Skirmishers.
- Central Ithilien Evil - Replaced Soldiers of Rhun Objective with Morannon Soldiers.
- East Emnet Evil - Replaced/added Eastfold Lancers, Replaced Rhun Soldiers objective with Morannon
- Eaves of Fangorn Evil - Replaced Elves with more Ents (they shouldn't be there).
- Emyn Arnen Evil - Updated Rhun objective with Morannon Soldier
- Emyn Muil Evil - Updated Rhun objective with Morannon Soldier
- Pelargir Evil - Added Marines to the basic gondor team
- Amon Hen Evil - Replaced regular Elves with Galadhrim Warriors
- Edoras Evil - Updated most of the scripts and teams, added Door Wardens and Edoras Spearmen
- Fixed game crash for Isengard stage
- Updated the Campaign code with new units and added Grima to the "Saruman army"
Edited by Radspakr, 05 January 2014 - 03:31 AM.