If you have any good ideas or thoughts about Helm's Deep Last Hope and what you would like to see in it, please let me know in this topic. Now, just a FYI, just because you post something does not mean it is going in the mod. I would like to hear any feedback or thoughts from the community and fans though as I am willing to consider other people's ideas.
My first focus (once I get my new computer all set up) is to really delve in the major gameplay mechanics of the mod. I can work on all the artwork and models, but if I cannot implement them successfully into the mod, then there is little point to it. Mt. first hurdle is figuring out how to manage the large Isengard army. As most of you already know, EA handled this by creating “waves” of enemies. The first waves were relatively easy but they became increasingly harder as the game progressed. There are two problems though I have with EA’s wave system. First, you never got the feeling that a massive Isengard army was laying siege to Helm’s Deep. Instead, it felt more like multiple small independent armies attacking in succession. Second, there was periods in-between the waves of little to no action. At least for me, what made the Isengard army so dangerous to Rohan was its relentless pursuit to achieve their objective. In EA’s version though, you got a breather multiple times during the level. The last time I checked, Aragorn did not have time to stretch his legs and take a restroom break
So now comes the question on what can be done differently to resolve the above issues. Obviously, simply spawning 10,000 enemies and having them move towards Helm’s Deep will lead to a complete and horrible mess. There is no way the SAGE engine (and even many modern games) could handle this. There has to be some level of structure and control so that the engine does not get overwhelmed by commands. I have several ideas to try and develop this effectively. What they are, I will keep secret for now until I test and see if they are even feasible. If anyone though has any ideas that I can look at testing, I am all ears.