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NAT problems everywhere and dynamics IPs

nat staticip bfme online

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#1 Piockñec

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Posted 09 June 2014 - 08:00 PM

Hello, thank you for all your help so far.

I have a strange question.


I have managed to put static IP and portforward my computer and my brother's.

However, I have seen that my triumph relied on my mastery at the operating system I used (and therefore I could find the Iv4 Internet Protocol and settings) and on my knowledge of my own router brand (and therefore I could find a way to put a Static IP, and the NAT settings).


The problem arises when all my friends do not know hardly anything about informatics, and I am a Master Hacker in comparison (and you know more or less what I really know). If I tell them to portforward their ports, they can stand two entire days in front of the computer, that I am sure that most of them will not be able to portforward them.


My question is: How can I get them to be able to play online using T3A? Is the only possibility to go to their houses and do it myself? (or use teamviewer... but without internet it is impossible (while changing internet settings by trial and error, which is my method xd))


Thank you very much!


If the only possibility is going to their houses, could you provide me, or at least sketch it, a way to portforward them in record time? hahaha I spent hours in front of my computer and my brother's computer to eventually triumph. Thank you!

#2 Mathijs


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Posted 09 June 2014 - 09:12 PM

These things can quite easily be found using Google. There are websites that help you based on the router brand you input. 

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#3 Piockñec

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Posted 10 June 2014 - 09:02 PM

Yes, that is right.

I have made a tutorial (in spanish...) for portforwarding, and a flowchart with the steps to install the game with T3A from zero, including the zoom fixed, the sounds in Spanish, portforwarding... I tell you in case you want it, or you want it to have it visible or something. I have it in dropbox, but I do not know how to share it without permissions to delete the files or to add new ones. The portforwarding tutorial is made by means of explanations and lots of screenshots.

The tutorial and the flowchart are attached. I have all the mentioned files in the flowchart in the dropbox folder. The only custom file is the EnglishAudio.big (which has inside the Spanish Audio xD), but it is also in dropbox.

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  • Diagrama de flujos.png

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#4 Mathijs


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Posted 10 June 2014 - 09:08 PM

That looks useful. Can you translate? :p

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#5 Piockñec

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Posted 10 June 2014 - 09:15 PM

Yes, of course :) I will have it in some days

#6 Mathijs


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Posted 10 June 2014 - 09:36 PM

Excellent, thanks.

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#7 Piockñec

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Posted 10 June 2014 - 10:49 PM

I don't like delaying things. That's why I have done it immediately hahaha there you have! As said before, I have all the files mentioned (even the EnglishAudio.big I made following the recommendations of ITC) in a dropbox folder.

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  • Flowdiagram.png

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