Anyone still after this mod?
Posted 16 June 2014 - 12:32 AM
Posted 16 June 2014 - 03:41 AM
It was a fun mod. =D
Remember that all worlds draw to an end and that noble death is a treasure which no one is too poor to buy. - C.S. Lewis
There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning. - Louis L'Amour
What will matter then will be people. If relationships will matter most then, shouldn't they matter most now? - Max Lucado
Posted 16 June 2014 - 06:49 PM
You should definitely upload it again, of course!
What sort of issue do you have with uploading to T3A?
No fuel left for the pilgrims
Posted 16 June 2014 - 10:24 PM
Posted 02 December 2016 - 07:34 PM
I'm still playing this mod! Love it!
Posted 20 June 2017 - 08:23 AM
I'm trying to run this mod.
--- removed block of now irrelevant text ---
Update: Ah, Well, it seems to be working fine now, lol. Or maybe it already was but I pre-supposed it to be the regular version since it looked the same; this is probably the same thing that happened with others, it wasn't until I started a skirmish I realized it was working.
That being said, is this multiplayer? I mean will it work with T3A: Online?
Pretty awesome concept, the artistic nature of it all, the buildings and what not, is pretty choice. One thing is absolutely horrible though, man, lol; the hero's die like instantly. Some summons don't work at all....but yeah heros die like INSTANTLY, so instant, so that's kind of a drag cause you spend the time building things and not commanding things as well. Balrog's fall flat dead for no reason at all with plenty of health and time left. If there's one thing I could have fixed it would be have the hero's last much longer like they normally do, they die wayyy too fast. Everything else is pretty sweet...if a bit overkill haha. sometimes there's too much to click/build/etc.. it's overwhelming, like so many build options, but it's definitely freaking awesome though.
At any rate, it's obviously much better than rise of the witch king was as an expansion, lol, and it runs good so, kudos for that. Thanks. I'm sure this probably isn't really supported or played now anymore, being like 10 years old lol. A friend and I still play Special Extended Edition, so we might check this out if it works with T3A: online. Thanks again. Job well done anyway, fun mod. May just use the 'handicap' feature to buff up hero's armor.
I tried using the handicap feature it works pretty well to balance it how you want so units do less overwhelming damage to each other and Hero's live longer, but they still die really fast sometimes if you don't babysit them; arrows do tons of damage but I guess that is a bit more realistic although archers on walls already have enough of an advantage in the regular game. At any rate the action is fast paced and fun. Thanks for fixing the resources lol.
So my only points that remain are: Yes this is quite fun, it runs well, great job. Only thing missing is Witch King needs a 'word of power' like 'burning sword of the witch king' from SEE mod. this is Rise of the Witch King after all...and he's like the only one without anything powerful lol. Only other point besides this one and two questions below is; as I mentioned heroes die too fast.
Is there any way to use custom maps without the mod crashing and failing? Seems not, but please let me know, anyone.
Does this work with T3A online? Thanks.
Oh and if you ever do edit/update this mod (if you do please armor/buff up the hero's armor lol) ...lol, just an idea...you might take a little inspiration from what Special Extended Edition did with The Witch-King's "hour of the witch king" power...basically word of power gone flaming sword, "burning sword of the witch king"...i thought this was great and definitely one of my favorite things about the mod, it gives the Witch King an army clearer like Gandalf has, and well it's just badass af lol. As Gandalf, Create-A-Hero wizards and Saruman all have word of power now, and Since this is "Rise of the Witch King", he ought to be on par with them, & it would be only too cool if he had that or something like it (I miss not having that feature from SEE when playing Arcade); with all the powers being moved around, even rain of fire or word of power would be helluva lot better for his lvl 10 power than 'reset hero timers' lol like that matters in arcade edition xD that's a pretty useless power since the timers are short and the powers/buildings are many lol.
Come to think of it, most of Witch King's powers are kind of suck and useless lol and I wouldn't mind a complete overhaul of his powers like the rest of the mod; the level 10 should be a dark word of power though, like burning sword from SEE, or something close to it. Peace
Edited by GOOM, 23 June 2017 - 12:36 AM.
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