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File Size Limit?

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#1 drogoth232


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Posted 23 August 2014 - 05:55 PM

Hey everyone!


I've been gone for a veeeeeeery long time and after talking about the BFME games I decided to pop in here for a bit.


In my time that I've been gone, I've been modding/hacking and I've actually learned how to Rig and animate instead of only knowing how to code.


Now that I'm back here, I was thinking about maybe using some of the models from other games and put them in BFME. But it's got me wondering, how large can the model file be? Is there a limit to how large? Is there no limit?


Thanks in advance, guys.

Wait... what?

#2 Irenë Hawnetyne

Irenë Hawnetyne


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Posted 23 August 2014 - 07:11 PM

Model sizes don't really work in terms of MB size, but your average unit in BFME should, I estimate, be 300-700 polys. Go lower than that, by all means, but I advise only using 700+ for special units, such as Trolls or Hero units. Typically this band ends at 2000, but occasionally others, such as the Balrog, can take up to 5000. Again, these should be reserved for units of that size. Structures, on the other hand, can vary significantly. Faction buildings usually range 3000 to 10,000 (though I may be inaccurate, on the latter, I've not worked any Fortresses recently) but others such as generic walls and civilian houses should be optimized as far as possible. Preference for things such as Dale structures should be under 3000, and metropolises such as Minas Tirith should be below the 1500 mark, unless they are dedicated active (selectable) structures.

Again, these vary with examples such as the Moria modules, but that should give you an idea, I think.



Now that I'm back here, I was thinking about maybe using some of the models from other games and put them in BFME. 


Don't do this because it's illegal. And misleading. And morally and socially wrong.

"Everyone's a hero when there's nowhere left to run."


Auxiliary Skarn, 2333rd Cohort

#3 drogoth232


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Posted 23 August 2014 - 07:27 PM

300-700 polys? Jeez.


All the models are at least 5-6k 


I'll see if I can just pro optimize it lol. Probably won't work in the end.




Don't do this because it's illegal. And misleading. And morally and socially wrong.


You got me! :V

Wait... what?

#4 Irenë Hawnetyne

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Posted 23 August 2014 - 07:46 PM

Honestly, if you've learned to rig and animate, modeling should be a walk in the park. Making them yourself is a better idea in every possible way.

"Everyone's a hero when there's nowhere left to run."


Auxiliary Skarn, 2333rd Cohort

#5 Kwen



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Posted 24 August 2014 - 12:18 PM


Now that I'm back here, I was thinking about maybe using some of the models from other games and put them in BFME. 


Don't do this because it's illegal. And misleading. And morally and socially wrong.


It's fine for personal use and experimentation. Hell, add anything from any game just to see if you can and if it's cool. It's only illegal if you're plagiarizing copyrighted work by claiming it as your own, or distributing it to other people. 

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#6 drogoth232


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Posted 26 August 2014 - 01:15 AM



Now that I'm back here, I was thinking about maybe using some of the models from other games and put them in BFME. 


Don't do this because it's illegal. And misleading. And morally and socially wrong.


It's fine for personal use and experimentation. Hell, add anything from any game just to see if you can and if it's cool. It's only illegal if you're plagiarizing copyrighted work by claiming it as your own, or distributing it to other people. 



It was just a fun little idea I had. But I don't know if the game would be able to handle so many high poly models.

Wait... what?

#7 Ridder Geel

Ridder Geel

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Posted 26 August 2014 - 06:06 PM

Only one way to find out i'd say... :p

Ridder Geel

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