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C&C Tiberian history: Hints & Tips #60

nod ssm tiberian dawn

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#1 Madin


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Posted 15 October 2014 - 02:21 PM

Name: SSM
Side: Nod

Tier: 3
ERA: Tiberian Dawn

Cost: $1800

Base Asset: Black_Drakon





The SSM is Nod's tier 3 artillery piece. Compared to the Nod Artillery, the SSM has a lot longer range, is more versatile, and is a lot more effective VS structures.

An upgraded Nod Artillery is better VS vehicles than the SSM, but the SSM plays a supporting role when it comes to enemy vehicles.



Massive weapon range!


The versatility of the SSM is based on it having 2 separate warheads that a player is able to chose from by default (the only rule is that you are not allowed to switch warheads while the other warhead is being actively used).

So a good start would be to look at those warheads.







The napalm warhead is the default choice, and it is this warhead that makes the SSM the best structure killer.

Not only does the warhead do tremendous initial damage to buildings (and in a greater radius than any other artillery piece), but it will also continue to do burn damage for a few seconds after the initial impact!



The fire-storm!


Needless to say, infantry will be killed almost instantly from the initial impact, but in addition any infantry that wander into the 'fire-storm' aftermath will also get burnt!


2 SSM's will take out a war factory class structure (easily, 1 would leave it with less than 25% of its health, depending on whether the structure was being repaired during the fire-storm), indeed overkill could be an issue, and there really is only so many SSMs that a player would need (and can adequately control).







The chemical warhead is primarily a support weapon. I suggest reading up on the 'Chemical Warrior's' weapon, because the SSM's chemical warhead weapon has the same sort of effect VS vehicles. I will post some information here:


Amour 200%: This means that the effected enemy vehicle will take double the damage it normally does.
Speed 50%: The effected vehicle can only move at half its normal speed.
Rate of fire 50%: The effected vehicles rate of fire is halved.
Weapon range 50%: The effected vehicles weapon range is halved.


The SSM chemical warhead effect last for 10 seconds (it ends just before the SSM is ready to fire again). This gives you enough time to use other units to destroy the weakened enemy vehicles (for example use Stealth tanks, or Banshees). This is especially potent VS GDI's high armour, high health vehicles.



A strike on some vehicles, need to follow it up though!



Some Banshees swoop in to blast the weakened vehicles to pieces!


Also it is very important to remember that the warhead halves the range of enemy units for 10 seconds, this forces them to either get closer to attack (especially useful on the GDI Juggernaut!), or to quit attacking until the effect has worn off. And finally it means that a number of your units that could not out range your enemy units, are now capable for the duration of the chemical warhead's effect.



There is also a potential defensive use, provided you maintain control of your SSM


An additional feature of the persistent chemical fallout is that it slowly damages vehicles, it is not drastic, however it will stack with multiple missile strikes!

And obviously as you would expect, infantry stand no chance and must avoid the visible persistent chemical clouds!



Tactical Nuke




Once the SSM reaches 'HEROIC' rank, the 2 basic warheads are replaced by a single warhead, a tactical nuke!

While this is not as powerful as the Temple nuke, the 2 nuclear warheads basically do the same damage when combined, although over less radius.

The blast will do massive damage to everything (including aerial units, despite the fact that you cannot specifically target them). Once your SSM is protected, it is pretty much game over!





It is mostly recommended that you keep the SSM on 'HOLD FIRE' stance (Alt+F), because you do not want the SSM picking its own targets and 'helping' your troops out by firing on enemy units that are close enough to your units that the SSM kills both the enemy and your units!

With the heroic SSM, it is vital that the SSM is always under your control, only have the actual unit pick its own target if there is no chance of it wiping out your own units or structures (including aerial units!).



Lets make a quick list:

  1. Very slow unit.
  2. Slow turning turret.
  3. Large minimum radius.
  4. Very low health and armour.
  5. Massive friendly fire potential.
  6. Very long reload.

Most of the above probably makes sense to you. As is familiar with most of the artillery units, if an enemy unit can avoid fire (3) and get in close, there is little that the SSM can do (4), it requires a sizeable escort.

The friendly fire issues have been discussed already (5), but there is no damage reduction for your own units.

Also to make up for the massive damage and range, the SSM has the longest reload of all the artillery pieces in the game, make sure that your missiles count, and that your defence of your SSMs are ready.


Standard anti-artillery tactics apply, it is preferable to use fast units, whether aerial or ground to quickly get to, and take out the SSM with minimum fuss. There will be times were it is better to lose a few cheap units and destroy the artillery pieces, rather than worrying about units losses, while your structures continue to take damaged.


Some Stats:

Cost: $1,800
Speed: 40
Hit points: 1,750

Napalm Weapon
Weapon strength: 2,500

Weapon Radius: 150
Weapon Clip size: 2
Weapon range: 825
Weapon Reload: 12 seconds

Damage type: GRENADE

Napalm Firestorm
Weapon strength: 50

Weapon Radius: 100
Weapon Interval: 0.1s
Firestorm time: 6 seconds
Notes: Can clear garrisoned buildings!

Napalm Weapon Ratings
Primary use: Anti-Structure
Anti-Structure rating: Excellent. Very good splash based damage with a large area of effect. Does significant damage after initial impact.
Secondary use: Anti-Infantry
Anti-Infantry rating: Excellent. Instant death to infantry, massive radius means that it is hard for groups of infantry to avoid.

Chemical Weapon
Weapon strength: 3,000

Weapon Radius: 175
Weapon Clip size: 2
Weapon range: 825
Weapon Reload: 12 seconds

Damage type: SNIPER

Chemical fallout Infantry
Weapon strength: 100

Weapon Radius: 175
Weapon Interval: 0.1s
Chemical fallout time: 8 seconds
Notes: Can clear garrisoned buildings!

Chemical fallout Vehicle
Weapon strength: 5

Weapon Radius: 175
Weapon Interval: 0.1s
Chemical fallout time: 8 seconds

Chemical Weapon Ratings
Primary use: Anti-Infantry
Anti-Infantry rating: Excellent. Instant death to infantry, massive radius means that it is hard for groups of infantry to avoid.
Secondary use: Anti-Vehicle
Anti-Vehicle rating: Poor. Does hardly any damage, but the purpose is to add negative effects so other units can finish them off.

Nuclear Weapon
Weapon strength: 7,500

Weapon Radius: 200
Weapon Clip size: 2
Weapon range: 900

Pre-Attack delay: 3 seconds
Weapon Reload: 12 seconds

Damage type: CANNON

Nuclear Weapon Ratings
Primary use: Anti-Structure
Anti-Structure rating: Excellent. Very good splash based damage with a massive area of effect.
Secondary use: Anti-Ground units
Anti-Ground Units rating: Excellent. Instant death to most units in the game, in a massive radius. Will miss very fast units.

Tertiary use: Anti-Air
Anti-Air rating: Very Good. Will destroy many aerial units with its blast radius, but there is no way to directly target enemy air units.


Release 6.10 Update:

  • Nod SSM experience point requirements doubled. Because of the massive damage radius of the SSM, it is possible for them to get kills\damage against multiple units and structures in a single volley. This means that they can rank up extremely quickly in comparison to other artillery pieces, and this is doubly an issue with the SSM due to the heroic nuclear warhead. Doubling the experience requirements slows down the SSM's ability to reach heroic rank in both offensive and defensive situations.
  • Nod Heroic SSM nuclear pre-attack delay increased by 1.5s. This means there is more time to wait for the first usage of the nuclear warhead, and a longer wait for each subsequent use.
  • Nod SSM persistent chemical field no longer adds negative attributes to vehicles. This means that the chemical SSM projectile has to hit vehicles to affect them. Previously if any vehicles wandered into the persistent chemical clouds, they would get negative attributes just as if the actual chemical projectile had hit them. This meant that there was no reason not to force fire multiple SSMs with chemical warheads into a wide area, because no actual hit was needed to affect vehicles, if they went into the clouds they got negative attributes, and Banshees would swoop in and destroy the weakened vehicles. Since this is no longer the case, this will hopefully lessen instances of players force firing their chemical SSMs. Please note that the persistent clouds still do damage to both infantry and vehicles.

Release 7 Update:

  • SSM will now explode and do damage to nearby units when destroyed. The explosion and damage type matches the current warhead, which means that if it is a Heroic SSM, it will die with a tactical nuclear explosion! This is designed to minimise the impact of SSMs camping behind base defences, especially if they manage to reach 'HEROIC' rank.


Release 8 Update:

  • Removed SSM death explosion being tied to the current warhead (now has a generic death explosion that does a small amount of damage). A more sensible approach.
  • Turret turn rate 30 degrees a sec (was 60).


Edited by Madin, 13 May 2017 - 01:33 PM.

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