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Member Since 17 May 2007
Offline Last Active Sep 17 2007 04:50 AM

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In Topic: Suggestions & Ideas

18 May 2007 - 12:20 AM

Wars of the East doesn't adhere to the true story (very unique mod) so why not extend that principle to that idea. Still, Melkor as a summoned hero is a great alternative but a buildable version of him as well as Sauron in a proposed Angband faction would be great. If that were to be applied then in order to avert overpowering your enemy early on- make them super expensive. Consider it well.

In Topic: Return of Angband Mod

17 May 2007 - 12:19 AM

Personally, your idea of MotW is way off :D Faramir was in Ithilien, and Rohan never cancelled their alligance with Gondor ;) (not in Aragorn and Eomer's time anyways) and Arnor is a part of Gondor ;) It's under Gondorian rule, aka, Aragorn :p

Also, Saruman is dead, and Gandalf is off shore :p of course, you said the Valar came to ME, so there could be a possibility....

anyways, it doesn't sound all bad, cause it's quite original, but personally I'd like to see it more realistic :) Good luck on it ;)

edit: oh, and that reminds me.... the Ring's destroyed, so it's probably a good idea to change the Ring and Ring-heroes :p Not remove the Ring-heroes, but change the Ring to something else ;)

as i said before, this isn't mean to follow the books of tolkien, and yeah saruman is dead, but so is morgoth :p just trying to make an interesting campaign/storyline lol. but i think I will do something with the ring heroes as you suggested, because the ring has been destroyed so it wouldn't make much sense lol

I just want to point out one thing. Morgoth is NOT dead. if he were to be dead, what is the reason for Dagor Dagorath. Morgoth would possibly recreate Sauron but if he (Morgoth) was dead, then there would be no significant evil to fight during Dagor Dagorath.