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Member Since 05 Sep 2022
Offline Last Active Sep 09 2022 08:23 AM

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LAN visibility problem

05 September 2022 - 04:51 PM

Hello, I've 2 PCs -> A and B (both Windows 10, same client (A copied to B), same firewall)


I opened LAN game in both Mental Omega clients. PC A see PC B, but PC B doesn't see PC A, even if A create game, then B still doesn't see any game. BUT if PC B create game, then PC A can join that game (everything working just fine)


I tried all, turn off firewall, enable private network searching in Win, pings are just fine, both clients listening on port 1232. I have no clue. 


Can you help me please. 


btw is there any command to connect directly to IP?