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Member Since 19 May 2007
Offline Last Active Apr 15 2011 06:26 PM

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In Topic: Massive Middle-earth

08 September 2009 - 06:57 PM

Brilliant :p i never saw this alive, and reading up on it, it was a shame it was cancelled. Now to hear this, can't wait! Shame there isn't a website ( as far as i know ^_^ )

In Topic: Hero of the Week ~ Week 34 + 36, 2009

03 September 2009 - 09:21 AM

1) Finish dwarves on the list! :good:
2) Deffo the 3-headed snake!
3) A new elven or beast ring hero, since the balrog only deserves being a summon, since it's damn powerful! As for elves... galadriel is nice, but either she needs more powers or make her a normal hero and put in gil galad or something ;)

In Topic: Gondor (MotW) faction

02 September 2009 - 01:32 PM

Lovely skins, but i really dont see why the EA KoDA skins are polished up, (not to sound disrespecitful, but they kick ass, like yammy said - plus, when do you zoom in on a unit to stare at it while it fights and dies? ;) ). I love the glowiness about then :w00t:

In Topic: Realism is MISSING

02 September 2009 - 01:29 PM

I think that, ultimately, for balance to be achieved there has to be a way to balance both offence and defence through each of the game stages per faction, against each faction. For example, how to stop early game rushes vs. each of the different factions. So, if it was men vs. elves, and elves for with glorfindel and 2 battalions of lorien swordsmen, and men attacked with boromir and 2 battalions of gondor soldiers, then the fight should turn out pretty even (depending on how powers were used, plus the costs are quite close so theres no reason why it shouldn't).

Above was just an example, but IMO if two same costing units of the same class are fighting, it should turn out a close match. I think one of the most ridiculous i have heard of is that it takes 2 battalions of lorien archers to take out 1 battalion of orc archers, when, realistically, a single lorien archer should take out plenty of orcs on his own.

In Topic: Elves - Heroes

02 September 2009 - 12:53 PM

Liking the new flee power ;) can she still attack while this is active? if she can, i think a name change should be done, since why flee if you are faster and invincible? :w00t: