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Member Since 26 Apr 2015
Offline Last Active Mar 19 2023 12:59 PM

#1028207 CC ZH HAMACHI

Posted by sump on 05 April 2016 - 03:36 PM


You can do the same here.

ok but I have to install gentool so it stop me to use mapgen right? how about this?


How about trolling any other place... And if you are serious, its even worse. Thanks god (developers) for gentool and CnC online, coz its been exactly ppl like this who used to ruin games back on GameSpy...

#1027762 Profile stats disappeared - Tox?

Posted by sump on 27 March 2016 - 04:34 PM

We are aware of this problem (I think I've discussed it with sump in the past; correct me if I'm wrong). The server can provide the wrong profile ID ( a unique reference to each nick name) for one of the players in a game (usually that belonging to one of the other players in the game) sometimes. You will see that when the game is loading sometimes. That is used to update the ordinary stats (so they don't update properly on the database). The game will store the correct stats itself until you next log in, when it will look to the database for what has been stored.


You remember it well :-) and you have already told me this before. I have accepted it like it is and Im glad the game itself is not laggy and running smoother and smoother - which is much more important.


On the other side, this time, its not about my stats not being updated correctly after a game or so, but its about my stats got deleted entirely from my profile. All of my previous stats disappered. All of my wins and looses, win / loose streaks, my number of DCs, my rank and all the medals as well. Everything.



I understand that you have much more important work to do and dont want to bother you,  but hopefully (for me :p ) its not so difficult and time consuimg to load my profile to its previous state - if its not possible, just let me know please. This is me bothering you 2nd time during a last month, thats why I have decided to donate btw :D as a justification for myself :-) - anyways, thank you for what you are doing ! 

