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Member Since 17 Jul 2003
Offline Last Active Dec 08 2005 01:13 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: It is with heavy heart...

22 September 2005 - 09:52 PM

My reasons are not petty

True enough. I can respect anger over theft, and whatever... territorial defense issues you may have now.

...but your response to this issue is petty beyond doubt.

Immediate resignation?
Immediate end to the mod?
Refusing to hand it over?
...yet DARING to thank the community for our contribution?

Then you threaten when I have the audacity to laugh at this display of immaturity?


Go ahead, pal. I've only been hangin around for CR anyway.

Let's just not be hasty, shall we? This mod has been transfering ownership for eons. Even if it has to start back at .95. Just don't be greedy.

In Topic: It is with heavy heart...

21 September 2005 - 11:55 PM

It's not a joke.

Ah, but then why can't I stop laughing at every other line of that sophomoric "resignation"?

In Topic: It is with heavy heart...

21 September 2005 - 09:33 PM

lol @ mg

In Topic: TR shout boxes...

17 September 2005 - 07:30 PM

Shoutboxes are useless...
they never have and never will accomplish anything or make the site better. Just delete 'em.

In Topic: The latest on D-day

27 August 2005 - 02:03 AM

What's happening w/ bridge huts?