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Member Since 31 May 2007
Offline Last Active Jun 17 2007 08:56 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: MO 2.0 - Scrapbook

15 June 2007 - 05:12 PM

Great stuff, wich my game would work...

In Topic: MO 2.0 // Strategy

02 June 2007 - 12:33 PM

I had a strategy until Metel Omega, with its 'mod' the prism tanks disapeared. However, how do I de-install it? The manual dind suport my question! I quit the game enouth times and still the moderator dind disapear, how do I de-install? Help please

In Topic: Mental Omega APYR v2.0b released!

31 May 2007 - 01:45 PM

Could anybody help me? I just bought C&C the first decade, and I installed the mod. Now I played it only once because further play wasen't possible. I wanted to remove the mod because I wanted to do a multiplayer game against somebody I know, so he hadn't the mod and din'd want it so I wanna de-install it. The problem is : I dont know how. The manual said : 'Quit te game and all mods will be removed'. How could I if I even can't start it? I cant start it because my computer keeps saying : 'Your computer needs to be restarded to continue the patch. Press OK to continue.' When I press OK and restart Yuri's Revenge I get the same message, if I start up the mod and press OK, I get the same message. Would somebody help me?