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Member Since 01 Jun 2007
Offline Last Active Mar 05 2008 02:03 AM

Topics I've Started

Download dilema

24 February 2008 - 06:32 PM

Ok first off I want to say that this mod is amazing way impressed,
Unfortunatly after i played it on a diferent computer i went to download it to another computer and the download freezes on 15%-20% complete every time :p
It does this on file front and Stratagy informer
the moddb link doesn't work even when im logged in
I was hoping that someone would have some sugestions

Upgrade system

13 August 2007 - 04:43 PM

Someone may have sugested this but what if new ships replace the old ones of the same type after it is upgrade

for example once you have researched the TIE addvanced the regular TIE would disapear from the menu but the TIEs you had already built would not be upgraded

because if you thought about it once the navy had developed a new craft they wouldnt have kept the old ships in production but they would still have the old ones in their fleets

hope this helps


03 June 2007 - 01:54 AM

After playing the mod thought up some things you could do to fix the build menu

make different reserch stations and limit them to 1 reserch station per planet

Bomber reserch station
Fighter reserch station
etc. for each class of ship/land vehicle

this way you dont get research and ship options pushed off the menu

this would also make you have to capture more planets in order to get new ships thus adding new depth to the game

AI bug

03 June 2007 - 12:53 AM

Ok instead of just reporting this bug i decided to figure out what causes it

I Think that the new way the build menu is set up is causing the empire to invest its credits in upgrading but not actualy building any ships. This would cause any setting less than hard to just upgrade because the lesser AI would not build ships.

I could reverse engineer the the AI if I had the right Data This would allow us to change the mod to fit the hard coded rules we have to follow - The Following is a list of what i need

I need lists of Emperial fleets - I need lists of Attacking fleets and Defending fleets - feel free to post lists just use the following formats

Rules - Must come from EAW FOC without any mods - Must use the following Format in your posts just copy the Questions and answer them


Was it an Attacking or Deffending fleet? -

List all of the ships in the fleet(include numbers and types) -

What was the Dificulty level? -


Thanks for the help and keep the posts honest - this is for the benefit of the mod

**TIP: capture bothawi then you can see the fleets over emperial planets without having to attack this lets you see the fleets at all times just record the normal fleets not when ships stop there temporaraly in other words just use the average**


01 June 2007 - 05:29 PM

If someone can give me the url of a website that ii can download the FOC map edditor i would be happy to start making some land maps. I loved the minimod and look forward to the full version. i can do my own research about the planets to make the maps as canon as posible