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Member Since 03 Jun 2007
Offline Last Active Jun 25 2007 10:03 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Chapter One: The Story Begins

12 June 2007 - 09:46 AM

((OOC: Sorry if most of this is spelled wrong.)))

Jaden hadn't gone far before hearing gunshots, and imideately stoping. Looking over his sholder, he saw a muzzleflash that came from the warehouse window. Then, he saw one of the undead fall, and in that moment he could see between the walking corpses someone changed direction and begin stabing his way to the warehouse.

"What in the hell is that guy doing in the middle of that deathtrap?"

Jaden started running towards the warehouse, wondering if there are other people besides the one with the knife, and the one in the building. He noticed that some of the undead had enterd the warehouse. Jaden started running faster, knowing that if they got up the stairs, they would prabobly kill the guy in there. Jaden herd more gunshots, but this time they werent coming out of the window. he stoped running for a moment to grab the bress knuckles that wer holding his belt togather, and to put put his hair into a neet ponytail.

"Alright... Let's rock!"

Jaden began charging at the warehouse with his brass knuckles in his right hand, and his gun in his left, fireing at the undead.

In Topic: Chapter One: The Story Begins

08 June 2007 - 07:23 AM

In the car park, jaden began to fire at the approaching undead. "Damn! There's too many of them." he thought while taking the clip out of his gun to see. "Only six left? I am so screwed..." Jaden slid the clip back into the gun, and glanced behind him. "There seems to be less of 'em down there... Is that a boat? Sweet!" He started to run towards the smaller group.

In Topic: Character: Jaden Green

07 June 2007 - 08:30 AM

I would hapilly do so, but I'm afraid I don't quite understand where the characters are. I'de hate to type something that would conflict with the story. It's not like I could say "Jaden ran up to Gary." because they were on a boat, or something... I am verry confused.