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Member Since 28 Mar 2023
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In Topic: BFME doesn't start/crash after installation? READ THIS.

22 January 2024 - 03:53 PM

Hi all, need as much help as possible.


I have the actual discs and have installed BFME 2 Collectors edition. 


It does launch but for only only 15 seconds even after uninstalling and reinstalling. There is no error message with this.

After filling in the details that is mentioned above, the game still does not launch correctly but does manage to get all the way to full screen before crashing again. There is still no error message.


I am running on Windows 10 with the standard graphics card. I have downloaded a patch switcher because I thought that was the problem but still it does the same thing. On the most recent patch it does some the same thing of launching for a few seconds before closing without error. On some of the older patches it says "fatal error, exception in exception handler"


I have also put the game through the compatability mode and ran it as administrator. When it goes into compatability mode it says there is no disc. This is obviously not the case as I actually do have one and the correct one is in the disc drive. 


Please please please can someone advise.