Member Since 11 Jun 2007Offline Last Active Jan 31 2015 07:46 PM
About Me
I'm just a simple guy with a not-so-simple imagination. I live with my family (parents, brother, dog, grandmoms) in Hungary, Szombathely, and hope to go to university soon. My hobbies include dogs, walking, computer games and reading. I write stories sometimes, too.
I joined the "Wars of the East" modding team about one and a half year ago, and has been part of it ever since. Strangely enough, I can't do any modding stuff - no skinning, no modeling, no audio, no mapping, no programming, nothing. All I did was using my mind to think what units/heroes would be refreshing for the old factions and benificial for the new ones. The mod was close to an end several times by now, but somehow we always found a way out of the pit. Being part of a modding team is an experience one can never forget, I tell you !
If there's something important I've learned during my life, then it's this:
"There's always place for good ideas."
Community Stats
- Group Project Team
- Active Posts 884
- Profile Views 2,937
- Member Title Wanderer of the East
- Age 35 years old
- Birthday July 8, 1989
Szombathely, Hungary
Wars of the East mod
Blue Text
Loremaster of WotE
My hobbies include reading, dogs, computer games and walking. I also like girls :)