I'd like to thank the modding team for putting such a tremendous effort into this mod. I am absolutely delighted to see that the B4me2 community is still thriving in 2023 almost 17 years after ROTWK was released. The amount of work that has gone into this, I can very well see this mod reflecting the new face of the game.
I just have a few suggestions I would like the modders to consider in light of the tremendous work they have put in. I have tremendous admiration for the modding team that put this together so please don't mind my brutal honesty. I am just putting some "professional suggestions" in line with keeping spirit of the game alive and I would love to hear some feedback from the mods explaining their current approach:
a) Orangutans, Giant Scorpions, and Vultures in Harad - Please think of something else
I understand the exotic animals from south but I felt it was incredibly out of place with the faction. While I can imagine a giant scorpion existing in Southern Middle Earth in some form and you could possibly have a Spellbook power giving access to a Kraken-Like summon (replaced by a giant scorpion), most of the units mentioned above seem very much out of place in the faction. I think there could be some more creativity in the units above being replaced by something else perhaps.
b) Wizards (Gandalf / Saruman) - Vanilla Powers being revamped / QoL changes
I want to start off by saying kudos on the new Narya power on Gandalf and moving cloud with lightning for Saruman (I feel it should be his vanilla power without the ring). I love both the concepts and it's one of my favourite things on accurate representation of wizard powers. However, there are things such as Saruman granting experience or Gandalf's Istari light that feel incredibly outdated. Could perhaps changing Gandalf's Istari Light to Glorfindel's vanilla starlight or cloud break represent the power better with some form of terror inducing effect / flying speed reduction on flying creatures? As for Saruman, would it be possible to get new auto attack animations with white effects (like the ones from Hobbit movie while fighting Nazgul) and his staff gem changing colours as opposed to just being white. Saruman could get a new power perhaps where he puts a spell on enemy units temporarily stunning them and debuffing them more in line with the "voice of saruman" instead of granting experience.
c) Cavalry Units - Changing all cavalry units to a battalion of 5 or 6 due to repositioning delay / Updated flanking bonus
I have noticed cavalry units have a very noticeable delay in repositioning at the moment. Would perhaps reducing the number of units reduce this effect? Additionally cavalry in the movies/lore had a very notable role. I understand that running into pikes head-on should be a punishing for players, but in standard strategy games flanking from cavalry (from behind) should be rewarded rather than the cavalry battalion being wasted. I was thinking reducing the amount of units would perhaps limit them from being completely OP for trampling units from behind and taking considerably less damage from a flanking position. What do you think?
d) Archer Units - Arrows always hitting overhaul / update
Perhaps a pet peeve or never really made sense but I think it should be replaced with some idea of archers being able to miss shots which goes down with being more leveled up and upgrades perhaps contributing for less percentage of missing shots. Rather than arrow upgrades reflecting more damage, they could reflect other attributes such as faster reload times, more accuracy in shots, or perhaps fire arrows being a one time trigger ability with a cooldown like Corsair of Umbars (like in Rotwk v2.02)
P.S. Crossbow units should definitely get an upgrade that allows them to do more damage but they have lesser range than normal bow units.
e) Boromir Horn of Gondor - update
I never quite understood how blowing the horn would make some enemies stand incredibly still for 10-15s. Perhaps an update of the vanilla ability would go a long way
f) Weather effects - Resetting Unit formations / Extra effects
I thought it would be quite interesting if the weather inducing powers such as cloud break, darkness, Blizzard, Freezing rain had extra effects. Blizzard could slow enemy units down 25%, Darkness reduce enemy faction's vision by 25% and disguise evil faction units in forests, Cloudbreak resetting all enemy unit formations, Freezing Rain reduce vision and speed of units by 15%.
Just a few suggestions! Would love to hear some feedback from the mods