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Member Since 21 Sep 2023
Offline Last Active Jan 26 2024 05:28 AM

Topics I've Started

Cannot connect to Backend in Red Alert 3

14 January 2024 - 09:07 PM

I used my e-mail address, user name (RobertX), and my password (undisclosed for obvious reasons) to login to Red Alert 3. Supposedly, it's not connectable to a backend.


I am using Linux Mint 21.3, the latest version of CNC Online, and Red Alert 3 using Wine 8.0.2.


What is the problem?

'The specified Online ID or account name is already in use' despite the fact th...

01 October 2023 - 09:11 AM

I have received a 'The specified Online ID or account name is already in use' error message while logging in to Red Alert 3's lobby.


This is what I saw in the FAQ:

- Upon login, the game says: 'The specified Online ID or account name is already in use'.
Solution: Your nickname has probably been reserved. You need to claim your old nicknames. Activating them takes some time. Read the pinned topics. It can also be that a different user already is using a profile with the name you tried to use, in this case you will have to settle on a different nickname.


The confusion was, I had no other nicknames. And from my profile, my accounts already have been activated.


Very curious.


EDIT: I will say though, that at least my login does work with C&C Generals and Zero Hour and C&C 3 Tiberium Wars and Kane's Wrath.