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Member Since 25 Jun 2007
Offline Last Active Nov 19 2007 04:23 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: GAW Update - Capital Ships

26 October 2007 - 09:28 PM

They look nice but will they have vissible turrents or will it be more like EAW with everything coming out of a hard point?

In Topic: Galaxy at War - Order 66 Update!

12 October 2007 - 03:08 AM

Hmmm he loooks pretty nice but he looks ab it too "fat" for a clone trooper but it might just be pose he is in.

In Topic: Sub Factions?

11 October 2007 - 04:02 AM

Yeah but unless it is absolutly increadable for example being like a entirely different game not many people are going to bother with it if it is release takes another year. Unfortunately most eaw moding was a big failure to high of expectations and not enough people to do the work and mod teams began to crumble as they lost intrest. Luckly for you if your mod get released with in 4 or so months after kanes wrath their should be tons of people playing it.

In Topic: Heroes?

08 October 2007 - 04:23 AM

Im not sure he would fit in right he wasnt built at that time he was built i think either right before episode 4 or during it so he would be quite out of place.

In Topic: Sub Factions?

08 October 2007 - 04:19 AM

I'm not sure, Total Conversion mods take a really really really really long time to finish. If we want to get balancing and polishing done, then it's really going to take a while.

I mean, think: Imperial Assault II got a bunch of work done really fast and had been going for 2 and a half years, and still are far away from completion.

But to answer the original question: I am not sure or not whether we will have the mod for Kane's Wrath. I see no reason to move to KW unless there are some changes to the engine that we really would like to use.

Sub-factions are a cool idea for CNC3, but I think that Galaxy at War can be just as good without sub-factions. But we'll see.

Alright just wondering but i hope this doesnt become like Ia 2 becuase while people may not realize it that mod is dead when is the last time they have even made a progress report? Quite a few months ago?