me and a friend recently created accounts on cnc-online to play with each other.
To begin with, we both use Windows 10 and are playing the Steam version of CnC 3 Kane's Wrath.
I'm connected to the internet via a Telekom Speedport Smart 4 and he uses a Vodafone Router (I don't know wich one), both of us are in Germany.
We encountered the problem that we couldn't connect in the multiplayer lobby, so we tried pretty much everything from the guides (read before posting).
I could connect to other players from the start on with freshly installed launcher, I just needed to allow the game and launcher the access in the firewall settings.
He couldn't so we both followed the connection issue guide on Github. [https://gist.githubu...ction%20issues]
As part of that we both used the NATNegTest Tool and both received 3 pings.
Received 3 pings from nntest.cnc-online.net:40000.
NAT negotiation works with your router and connection.
==> You do not have to use port forwarding.
Now we tried with windscribe.
We installed and activated it but we both couldn't log into the servers, the games Error message said smth. like "couldn't connect to EA servers".
We also tried with IPv6 disabled.
Then we again followed the guide on Github for that. [https://gist.github....d0fa2ba48276fe]
After step 7 of the guide we tried again to connect, I still could connect to others and he still couldn't. We went on with step 8-15 just to try it.
The thing is that the error is now different if we try play with each other: We cannot access the others lobbies. We get the message which translates to "access denied", "Zugriff verweigert" in german.
We tried with and without lobby password.
We double checked the IPs, so that it is set to 10.xxx.xx and we tried to enable "send delay" with no success.
At this point I'm out of ideas or helpful sources, so thanks in advance.
Edit: We also tried with windscribes firewall disabled.
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Can't connect with friend / Access denied (Lobby) Kane's Wrath
09 December 2023 - 08:08 PM
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