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Member Since 02 Jul 2007
Offline Last Active Jul 23 2007 10:35 AM

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In Topic: Remix Escalation Suggestion

23 July 2007 - 10:34 AM

I was hoping my GLA suggestions would be helpful, but I saw that you have already planned many of them and add many new approaches and playing tactics. As "black hand" said: cant wait for that! :blink:

In Topic: Remix Escalation Suggestion

22 July 2007 - 10:55 AM

I can't be assed to read that post sum it up for me ;)

But anyways only the stealth gen will be geard towards hit and run and major stealthy tactics. Demo gen is only having the standard sneak attack so if u suggested a group of them then i laugh and so only the stealth gen would get a group deploy ment if any.

Yeah Phoenix, stealth gen may deploy stealth tunnel networks, but toxic and demo gen must have the ability to deploy them, maybe non-stealthy ones. In fact I'm just summarized all of my GLA suggestions, which suggestion is feasible for which general is up to u. And what do u think about giving more destructive fifth rank gen powers to GLA gens? Dont you agree that their powers are some impotent?

In Topic: Remix Escalation Suggestion

21 July 2007 - 11:02 PM

My GLA suggestions:

GLA uses ambush, stealth, deception and mass attacks against other gens and has many advantages in the beginning of the game thanks to its cheap units, tunnel network and energy independency, but in the late game, it will fastly loose these advantages and likely be crushed under heavy gen powers and air forces of other gens. For that reason, in my opinion, there are two things that must be considered when designing GLA:

- increasing ambush ability of GLA (maybe excluding assault gen)
- balancing late game incompetency by adding more destructive gen powers

GLA ambush ability depends on suicide units. But these units can hardly reach to enemy base even if they are stealthy ones. A frontal mass attack may work in early game (cheap units), but in the late game, even largest formations can be destroyed by aircrafts, artillery and heavy tanks. So tunnel network option must be considered. Tunnel networks are built by workers, many GLA players send them in the beginning of the game to the important shock points of the map for reaching there from underground. But later GLA can’t use this tactic (running workers on the field, and without shoes ;) ). In my opinion, tunnel networks can be deployed as a default or as a General ability by using a timer (1-2 mins), maybe even beginning from the first rank. These tunnels must be stealth and have no machine gun, cause they attack enemy units and show themselves. Some may say this is not different from sneak attack ability. No this is different. By using these stealth network, a GLA general may easily send its ambush units to enemy flank or rear. For balancing early game, they can be designed for garrisoning only infantry, but at later tech levels, vehicles may enter the hole. Thus, you will wait GLA attacks from every directions and stay on guard, like a real non-regular warfare.

Many GLA gen powers we encountered in contra and other mods were useless, like salvage drops, cash bounty etc. GLA dont need fast money flow. But other gens have more useful and destructive powers like artillery barrage, A-10 or spectre gunship attacks. These attacks destroy large unit formations fastly and cause the user easily ranked up. And fifth rank gen powers aren’t up too much, as compared with the powers like daisy cutter, carpet bomber, etc. GLA assault had artillery barrage in contra 5, and kamikaze plane, acid bombing powers were good, but I think there must be more for decreasing GLA’s late game weakness. Below are my suggestions:

- Call for jihad: Like remix inf gen heavy assault power, an emerging army of 20-30 inf and/or 5-10 tank/quads.
- Awake all terror cells :shiftee: : An emerging army of 20-30 suicider or 5-10 bomb truck (but at large formation, cause they can easily destroy each other)
- My favourite GLA gen is toxin gen. Adding acid damage (contra) was really a brilliant idea cause toxin attacks hardly influence vehicles. But by adding some biological warfare logic to toxin gen, vehicle drivers can be killed like neutron attacks, especially in general powers.
- Another power for toxin gen may be “Ultimate chemical weapon”. Animation of this weapon may begin by spreading toxin and acid clouds to a large area, seconds later, this large chemical cloud may cause chemical explosions and flames in the ground. I think I had seen such a power in “Destructive Powers” mode, and it was very fun. I had seen one more power (but I dont remember where), a missile explode in the air over the target area and form a large cloud, this cloud create acidic/toxic rains and lightnings destroying heavy tanks and buildings like a bug.
- For explosive gen: mass suicider planes (like A-10 attacks), increasing by 4-8-16 etc. These planes may be crop dusters but must be stealth, because they are very weak against ground AA fire, and hard to reach to their targets. Same can be used for toxic gen by adding acid damage.
- Deception: Creating a fake army in the middle of the enemy base, when you attacking from another direction.

Of course GLA airpower never match other gens’ airpower, but GLA airbases may include some useful units. I hope you remove these funny (no they are not even funny) rocketman things. Light suiciders (stealth crop dusters), and heavy suiciders (non-stealth but very resistance against ground fire) like big turboprop passenger planes, etc. These can be produced cheaply at the airbase, and be used against ground attackers (lighy suiciders), or enemy buildings (heavy suiciders). You already used them in Contra (acid flushing dusters, they were very funny, and also fit to GLA’s main logic).

It is finishing: snipers producible at the barracks (if you talking about ambush and non-regular warfare, snipers is a must), demo trap laying vehicle, and buggy add-ons, like chinese universal vehicle.

I saw your creations at GLA screenshots pages, they are exactly amazing, I mean these are just my brainstroms, in fact I just wanted to summarize GLA’s way of war, and tried to call attention designing the GLA according to this manner.

In Topic: Remix Escalation Suggestion

21 July 2007 - 09:57 AM

I'm sorry as a generals addicted, but I'm happy on your behalf. Maybe at last real life can be as well balanced as ZeroHour for you ;) . Btw, what was the location of secret underground bunker where your interview takes place? :grin:

In Topic: Remix Escalation Suggestion

08 July 2007 - 05:33 PM

Hmm there are some, but I wouldn't call anybody a n00b except he has a certain behavior.

Forget it Drake, anyone can call anyone a noob, but normally they are noobs themselves