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Pred the Penguin

Member Since 04 Jul 2007
Offline Last Active Jan 20 2011 09:59 AM

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In Topic: What's your favorite type of fleet to use?

12 January 2011 - 11:22 AM

Wasn't aware of that. *facepalm*
But it still seems to be doing a little too much damage. Thanks for tip anyway.

In Topic: What's your favorite type of fleet to use?

11 January 2011 - 01:26 PM

Anyway I've got weird issue to report I guess.

I was playing around in singleplayer skirmish just now, Imperial vs Imperial on Battle for Coruscant (love me some ISD on ISD action :p ). I was nearing the end, enemy wasn't really putting up much of fight and I was stocking up Star Destroyers for the final battle.

Anyway, I warp in the Chimera and all of sudden the enemy decides to counter with it's Tectors. This in itself is insignificant because the AI has been unpredictable before. I decided to warp in Piett's Accuser to tip the odds in my balance and those two Star Destroyers coupled with several fighter/bomber squadrons laid waste to everything.

All of sudden the enemy decides call up it's damn Praetor! That really gave me a jump, but my Accuser opened up with it's proton beam canon and destroyed it before it even had a chance to launch it's squadrons... Don't have pics cause it happened waaaaay too fast. :sleep:

OP much?

In Topic: What's your favorite type of fleet to use?

10 January 2011 - 11:45 AM

Long time guys... if anyone remembers me. :)

I was under the impression that the Night Caller wasn't your average corvette.