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Member Since 10 Jul 2007
Offline Last Active Jul 11 2007 03:11 AM

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In Topic: Downloading, Installation & Crashes! - Support!

10 July 2007 - 08:58 PM

All right, I'll try that. When I reinstalled it kept messing up, but I hadn't deleted the folder.

And I changed it to My Name because of this being a forum.

Edit: It worked! Thanks a ton, I was worried I'd never get to use this mod.

In Topic: Downloading, Installation & Crashes! - Support!

10 July 2007 - 04:47 PM

Start in: "C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Battle for Middle-earth ™ II"

Target: "C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Battle for Middle-earth ™ II\lotrbfme2.exe" -mod SEE.big

Location: C:\Documents and Settings\My Name\Application Data\My Battle for Middle-earth™ II Files

In Topic: Downloading, Installation & Crashes! - Support!

10 July 2007 - 03:34 AM

I need a fix badly, this is probably the best mod for any strategy game ever made and I'm miserable without it.

Could I try it with the 1.03 patch, or would that be a waste of time? As of now I'm reinstalling BFME2 (I had another mod that I had removed, maybe it was messing with it somehow?)

In Topic: Downloading, Installation & Crashes! - Support!

10 July 2007 - 02:22 AM

What do you mean by Patch? I don't know what you mean. I've got version 1.06 of BFME2, if that's what you're asking about.

In Topic: Downloading, Installation & Crashes! - Support!

10 July 2007 - 12:24 AM

I did everything in the installation tutorial, but when I chose to run the game, it came up with a message that said:

Expected floating point value, math op, or predefined macro, but found 'M_GONDOR_WELL_AOE_RADIUS_DECAL

Error parsing field 'ShadowSizeX' in block 'Object' in file 'data\ini\object\evilfaction\structures\isengard\isengardherostatue.ini', line 1.

Error parsing field 'ShadowSizeX' in block 'Object' in file 'data\ini\object\evilfaction\structures\isengard\isengardherostatue.ini', line 1.

Error parsing field 'ShadowSizeX' in block 'Object' in file 'data\ini\object\evilfaction\structures\isengard\isengardherostatue.ini', line 1.

Error parsin INI block ' ShadowSize>' in file 'data\ini\object\evilfaction\structures\isengard\isengardherostatue.ini'.
5 addresses:
(unknown)(0): game.dat+241550 Debug::PostStaticInit+3390
(unknown)(0): game.dat+2294796 FXParticleSystem::DefaultModuleKey <0>::operator=+209278
(unknown)(0): game.dat+2325810 GameClientRandomVariable::setRange=15179
(unknown)(0): game.dat+6460555 Xfer::operator==+119787
(unknown)(0): kernel32.dll+94167 RegisterWaitForInputIdle+73

Because of the severity of this error the game will now exit.

It's done that every time I've tried to run the game.