Hi guys,
I'm trying my hand at modding RotWK again, and I've been following the tutorial on 3rdAge - which is being very helpful. But I've run into a big problem when it comes to using FinalBig. I'm hoping someone can let me know what I did wrong or how to fix it.
I have the decoded INI files from 3rdAge so I don't need FinalBig to extract those from the game, instead the tutorial instructed me to find and extract the "lotr.str" file from "english.big" and insert it into my personal "MyMod" folder. This is where I'm having trouble.
When I use FinalBig to open "english.big" (from either BFME2's or RotWK's "lang" folder) I am greeted to an empty page - no files are being shown to exist inside "english.big". I've tried using the EDIT: EXTRACT ALL tool on the "english.big" file and I click "Yes" when prompted, only to have nothing happen. The program goes back to the blank screen of the empty .big file and nothing is extracted to any location on my computer that I have been able to find - and there is no visible sign that anything is in the process of being extracted either.
I have tried to open other .big files from the game, using FinalBig as well, but they are also empty. Even the "INI.big" file is shown to be completely empty. I've attached a screenshot to show you exactly what shows up when I open "english.big" using the FinalBig program.
I did check to make sure that I am using "finalBIG.exe" and I am. And I also tried running the program as "Administer" but that did nothing, so it doesn't look like the file has any restrictions placed on it. I also checked the compatibility settings under "properties" for the program and ran a compatibility test (came up empty) - then I tried setting the compatibility to Windows 8, which is the windows I am currently running (ugh), but that also had no effect.
I've looked for tutorials or instructions on using FinalBig and it didn't look like I was doing anything wrong as per this set of instructions on PlanetCricket. I don't know what else to do, ergo why I'm asking for help.
The two questions I'd most like answered are:
1. How can I fix the FinalBig program so I can extract .big files?
2. Am I able to skip using FinalBig and not extract "lotr.str" from "english.big", but still have my mod work?
Thanks guys!