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Member Since 16 Jul 2007
Offline Last Active Jan 22 2011 07:08 AM

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In Topic: Removing Ai retreat in WOR

23 June 2009 - 03:50 PM

i have been trying to modify the Ai retreat system so that the AI will not retreat half way through a rela time conflict in WOR. This is what I have:

; WOTR retreat magic numbers
	FarmingThreshold = -10;-2
	ArmyQualityBias = -10;2
	ArmyQuantityBias = -10; 1
	HeroQualityBias = -10;1
	MapControlBias = -10;2
	BaseStrengthBias = -10;1
	RingOwnershipBias = -10;2
	LogicFramesTillRetreatChecksStart = 1
	LogicFrameBetweenRetreatChecks = 1
	LogicFramesTillAISelfDestructs = 1

I have encountered several problems:

1) I tried to use ewxtreme numbers such as 10 and -10 so that the AI would give up really quckly. (So that I could test that the code worked) but nothing happened. Is this the correct code and if so did was I jsut to impatienet with my testing and who could I test the code?

2) I am unsure whether increasing the numbers will make more/ less llikely that a retreat will occur.

Can anyone help? THANKS! :huh: :xd:

Yes, I have this same probleme Can we delete it ?

^_^ Can anyone help ? Plzzz....