So, those are the things I noticed mostly playing Skirmish. Updated to v2.6.3.
1.Both NOD's Avatar and an unavailable for construction unit Centurion can enter Service Depots, but the repairment process do not starts. v2.6.5sp (still persists)
2. A tile of waterfall have a sand. You can see such waterfalls on the map Rapid Trio in the up-right corner of the map.
3. While playing for Yuri, even with an unchecked checkbox for superweapons, after a Tech Center is built, the Genetic Mutator and the Psychic Dominator becomes available for construction. Though, if to build them, the superweapons themselves will not appear as well as their countdowns.
Playing at version 2.6.0, I experienced two separated/'different' Psychic Dominator options availability for a construction, but I can not remember how I triggered that... Supposedly, I was playing not for Yuri but captured his Construction Yard and progressed to the superweapons. And in the same game seanse there were two Psychic Dominators available, also there were 2 buildings without icon available for to be constructed (I don't remember which column though... maybe buildings, not the defences), one of which was Psy-Beacon. I built it but this building had no any actions
4. When both NOD's Battle Lab and Hand of NOD are constructed, Commando is available for to be trained. And she can be trained two times. Is it alright? And, comparably to Tanya, NOD Commando's (Natasha?..) movement speed is slower... And when she is occupying IFV, I think everyone expect to see some kind of laser IFV which can hit an aircrafts v2.6.5sp
5. I guess, there should be working some kind of a system of rankings of the passed maps. Comparing with another game Twisted Insurrection, if you passed a map without being loaded, that passed map will be ranked by a star of the 'material' you saw on the "Launch" button before actually launching the game match. v2.6.5sp
6. Sometimes when you have many war factories and barraks of different factions built, the units coming from them are ignoring the primary building selected before. First I though the units are appearing from the buildings of factions they belongs to, but looks like in those cases they are appearing from the last built war factory/barraks.
7. When you are using Chronosphere on the amphibious units in case of relocationing them from the water to the land or vise versa, they get destroyed. Is that a bug?..
However, GDI's Slingshot survives in that kind of Chronospheric journey...
8. Switching the type of the harvesting resources between gems and tiberium, the thing which is producing it is not changing.
9. The location of the constructed units of some war factories on the moment of the opening the gates is different from the location from which those units are starting to move to the direction of the gates.
10. If to launch the game using clientogl.exe , then there is no background music in the main menu. v2.6.5sp
11. Deployed Reckoner is vulnerable for a mind control - is that alright? Also I can hear a "unit promoted" notification related to the appropriate deployed Reckoner itself, but the units inside it do not earn experience, comparably with, for example, IFV or Battle Fortress. And maybe it will be reasonable to set the promotion experience for the deployed Reckoner itself the lowest amount like a slave has?.. And maybe it will be reasonable to make the deployed Reckoners be skipped from being selected in cases when the player is selecting the battle units available for a motion.
12. Attacking the attacking deployed NOD Artillery (for example, with tesla weapon or prism weapon), it can disappear!?
13. Attacking the attacking Yuri Psy-Tower (I noticed it with attacking it by NOD Cyborg Commando), it can disappear!?
14. NOD's Elite Cadre 'do not want' to enter the Grinder
15. Russian's Air Pad have a shadow while it is during the animation of being constructing on the map, but the end-up constructed Air Pad do not have a shadow from it's spire/dome.
16. Game might crash if you will be attacking an enemies close enough to the Air Pad with the MIGs locating on that Air Pad. I suppose it is because the MIGs'es rocket trajectory must be going from down to up with a height level rising. Maybe that case is also true for another planes and pads.
17. Alliance's Spy can not infiltrate Airforce Command building mainly for achieving an experienced pad's aircrafts, and destroying the radar.
18. Not an important bug. Description: by a Psy-Tower I captured NOD Mutant Hijacker. And using that captured Mutant Hijacker unit, I captured some vehicle. I thought that that vehicle will be in my possession forever, but in fact it became being controlled by that Psy-Tower which was controlling that Mutant Hijacker unit before, and unlike my expectations, it looks correct. But then, I sold (but could just deactivate) that Psy-Tower to check what will happen. That vehicle became neutral, but it must be returned to the player which possessed that Mutant Hijacker in the first place (unless that player is already defeated on that moment).
19. Another one not important bug. Tick Tank can not enter Yuri's Tank Bunker. It's a lil bit dumb, but still.
Also, "deployed" Stealth Tank can not enter Yuri's Tank Bunker as well. But it could be quite useful.
The further notices are regarding AI's behavior.
20. When AI's Construction Yard is destroyed, that AI is building an MCV unit. And when that AI is deploying that MCV in some place, you can notice that that AI is building the wall in the primordial place of the destroyed Construction Yard, but not around the newly deployed Construction Yard.
21. In the very most cases, Devil's Tongue controlled by AI can not come up to surface. (noticed in v2.6.2, but could not re-check it properly on v2.6.3)
22. Yuri AI can produce a Stealth Harvester. It had a Radar, a Barracks and a War Factory built. I noticed it with an Easy AI difficulty but maybe it is also true for all of the difficulties. (noticed in v2.6.2, but could not re-check it properly on v2.6.3)
23. If among the Superweapons list to disable the availability of Psychic Dominator but leave the availability of Genetic Mutator, Yuri AI is constructing either Psychic Dominator or Genetic Mutator, something one. Psychic Dominator is just a structure though, not triggers the appropriate superweapon things (like superweapon applyance option availability and countdown). Even though an issue #3 was fixed in v2.6.3, this issue still persists.
24. Lasher Tank can drive through the enemy'es unoccupied Tank Bunker. Is that alright?
25. AI can build on the land near the Naval Yards, so that's the way it sometimes achieves the islands.
26. Sometimes destroying AI's buildings do not influences to the area of the placing buildings availability, so it can place buildings on the area far enough from it's placed structures.
27. In the mode with silos, AI is not fair, because it is not building them, and the economy for that AI is not limited, and it is as same as original.
Mistakes noticed in the russian translation:
28. In the descriptions of various units, buildings, etc:
ALL the infantry transport vehicles - GDI/NOD APCs, alliance IFV and copter and Battle Fortress, russian copter and flac, ufo, all the hovering amphibious
It includes either "- Транспортrt", "- Транспортt" or "-Транспортt", but should be "- Транспорт"
ALL the Harvesters
"Сборщикr", should be "Сборщик"
Stealth Harvester
"Сборщикr", should be "Сборщик";
"Невидимкаth", should be "Невидимка"
Stealth Tank
"Невидимкаh", should be "Невидимка";
"При развертывании:
> Нет невидимка
... "
should be:
"При развертывании:
> Нет покрова невидимости
... "
Mobile Stealth Generator
"Cloak an area from enemies", should be "Генерирует покров невидимости"
Devil's Tongue
"Способен передвигаться под землейn", should be "Способен передвигаться под землей"
Subterranean APC
"Способен передвигаться под землейn", should be "Способен передвигаться под землей";
"Транспортrt", should be "Транспорт"
Sensor Array
"обнаруживает невидимок.", should be "обнаруживает невидимок"
Chameleon Spy
"Невидимкаh", should be "Невидимка"
Mutant Hijacker
"Иммунитет к Тибериумом", should be "Иммунитет к Тибериуму"
Elite Cadre
"Иммунитет к Тибериумом", should be "Иммунитет к Тибериуму"
Stealth Generator
"Скрыть область от врагов", should be "Генерирует покров невидимости"
Yuri Mission 3. The first pop-up briffing-like in-mission message:
"Горный хребет Алтак в Карзахстане, район горных лесов и ледниковых вод."
should be:
"Горный хребет Алатау в Казахстане, район горных лесов и ледниковых вод."
Also I have some suggestions, maybe the devs will find them reasonable to release.
29. With setting amount of start cash, you can surely notice that AI either have them more than player, or the expences are cheaper for that AI. If it is alright and it is planned the way like AI should be playing hard, what do you think - is it reasonable to create some kind of a checkbox with activation of which you will be playing with AI on even regarding economics?
30. There are cases when destroying a moving vehicle, the cell it was located before it's destruction, becomes unavailable for a units location. But the route for the units contains that cell to be drived through. And when those units are going to pass through that defective cell, their behavior is they stop right in front of it, thinking a little bit and then going around it. That defective cell can be fixed using Magnetron by dropping a vehicle to that cell. As my suggestion, if it is impossible to prevent the appearance of such cells, then how about to make some kind of superweapon available from the beginning for any non-AI players, which can drop a harmless self-destructing vehicle-like object to any cell point of the map?
31. Group type of the Alliance paratroopers varies between a combo of G.I. soldiers and Guardian G.I. But how about this? - to add a building which is available if Airforce Command is built; that building can be built only once for each player; that building is a bunker (probably a deployed vehicle type), which can be garrisoned by any trooper. Let's suppose that building is a tent of awaiting. Next thing, besides you have an availability option to land the usual group, there is another availability option. That option's availability requirements are - the tent of awaiting is placed on the map; the countdown for the availability option for a usual paratroopers group is equal to 0 AND the tent of awaiting is garrisoned by at least 1 unit. That new availability option is applying the same way like the availability option for a usual paratroopers group. What will happen when you apply it? - usual group availability option's countdown resets (and because of that, that new availability option disappears cause the requirement is countdown=0); the copies of the units which were garrisoning the tent of awaiting, with their experience and bonuses (attack, armor, speed, stealth, controlled by the cause of using Psychic Dominator), will be set for to be parachuted from the plane to the selected point of map; the tent of awaiting 'clears/wipes out' from the units OR in case it is can not be made, just solds/self-destructs. And because of that, I think it will be reasonable to also do that it is impossible to apply the Iron Curtain and Force Shield to the tent of awaiting.
The result - a manually gathered team will be parachuted by a plane to the selected point of map.
32. Taking into account the issue #3, here is the next suggestion. About the NOD's Waste Facility. It is available for to be constructed if Missile Silo is built. But since Waste Facility it is a Refinery-typed structure which also gives a stealth harvester, There are two kind of suggestions.
a.) Let it be available for to be constructed if Battle Lab or Tech Center is built;
b.) The Superweapon's checkbox of Chemical Missile infuences to the availability dependence of Waste Facility:
- Chemical Missile Superweapon checkbox off -> (like suggestion 'a') Waste Facility is available for to be constructed if Battle Lab or Tech Center is built. It can be built, but the things related to it's superweapon properties (like an availability option and a countdown) are not triggering;
- Chemical Missile Superweapon checkbox on -> the things like they currently are.
And so, the AI can build this building (fulfilling the appropriate dependence requirement) independently of Superweapon's checkbox of Chemical Missile is switched on or off.
33. In the mode with silos, the Harvesters are spending a time to unload the resource to the Refineries. In many Westwood games if in this particular moment of resources unloading to capture by engineer the refinery-typed structure a harvester is spending it's unloading time, that refinery will be captured with the harvester which is continuing being unloading the resources into that refinery. But here the situation is that only Refinery is capturing, without the into unloading process Harvester. Maybe in such times of capturing by engineer make it be capturing with the Harvester as well? Capturing by Yuri Prime should not capturing the into unloading process Harvester.
34. Looks like Carryall when it is en-route flying is not keeping a height level above the landscape height differences change. And due to this, it can be flying through the 3D models of some very high buildings. Should not it be flying the same 'logic' like, for example, the MIG?
35. A lil bit dumb suggestion. Make an availability of 'infiltrating' of the player's or player ally'es barraks for a Liberated Slaves. Depending of the type of barraks, they will become G.I., Infantry, Light Infantry, Conscript or Initiator.
And also maybe an availability of 'infiltrating' of the player's or player ally'es deployed Slave Miner, to become a Slave again (just disappear after infiltration).
* While playing Yuri Campaign, you can witness the Russian AI is producing the flying units Rocket Angel from barraks. Since that unit might be trained if there is an appropriate Secret Lab in possession, I guess it is not a bug, and there is a Secret Lab in that AI's possession...
* Looks like a thrown discs of Disc Thrower (and of IFV with a Disc Thrower unit inside) will never be bouncing on this engine, isn't it?..
* There is no that kind of box anymore like it was in the earlier versions of the game which gives a permanent stealth ability to the units or buildings which were on it's range in the moment of acquiring it...
2. A tile of waterfall have a sand. You can see such waterfalls on the map Rapid Trio in the up-right corner of the map.
Playing at version 2.6.0, I experienced two separated/'different' Psychic Dominator options availability for a construction, but I can not remember how I triggered that... Supposedly, I was playing not for Yuri but captured his Construction Yard and progressed to the superweapons. And in the same game seanse there were two Psychic Dominators available, also there were 2 buildings without icon available for to be constructed (I don't remember which column though... maybe buildings, not the defences), one of which was Psy-Beacon. I built it but this building had no any actions
4. When both NOD's Battle Lab and Hand of NOD are constructed, Commando is available for to be trained. And she can be trained two times. Is it alright? And, comparably to Tanya, NOD Commando's (Natasha?..) movement speed is slower... And when she is occupying IFV, I think everyone expect to see some kind of laser IFV which can hit an aircrafts v2.6.5sp
5. I guess, there should be working some kind of a system of rankings of the passed maps. Comparing with another game Twisted Insurrection, if you passed a map without being loaded, that passed map will be ranked by a star of the 'material' you saw on the "Launch" button before actually launching the game match. v2.6.5sp
6. Sometimes when you have many war factories and barraks of different factions built, the units coming from them are ignoring the primary building selected before. First I though the units are appearing from the buildings of factions they belongs to, but looks like in those cases they are appearing from the last built war factory/barraks.
7. When you are using Chronosphere on the amphibious units in case of relocationing them from the water to the land or vise versa, they get destroyed. Is that a bug?..
However, GDI's Slingshot survives in that kind of Chronospheric journey...
8. Switching the type of the harvesting resources between gems and tiberium, the thing which is producing it is not changing.
9. The location of the constructed units of some war factories on the moment of the opening the gates is different from the location from which those units are starting to move to the direction of the gates.
10. If to launch the game using clientogl.exe , then there is no background music in the main menu. v2.6.5sp
11. Deployed Reckoner is vulnerable for a mind control - is that alright? Also I can hear a "unit promoted" notification related to the appropriate deployed Reckoner itself, but the units inside it do not earn experience, comparably with, for example, IFV or Battle Fortress. And maybe it will be reasonable to set the promotion experience for the deployed Reckoner itself the lowest amount like a slave has?.. And maybe it will be reasonable to make the deployed Reckoners be skipped from being selected in cases when the player is selecting the battle units available for a motion.
12. Attacking the attacking deployed NOD Artillery (for example, with tesla weapon or prism weapon), it can disappear!?
13. Attacking the attacking Yuri Psy-Tower (I noticed it with attacking it by NOD Cyborg Commando), it can disappear!?
15. Russian's Air Pad have a shadow while it is during the animation of being constructing on the map, but the end-up constructed Air Pad do not have a shadow from it's spire/dome.
16. Game might crash if you will be attacking an enemies close enough to the Air Pad with the MIGs locating on that Air Pad. I suppose it is because the MIGs'es rocket trajectory must be going from down to up with a height level rising. Maybe that case is also true for another planes and pads.
17. Alliance's Spy can not infiltrate Airforce Command building mainly for achieving an experienced pad's aircrafts, and destroying the radar.
18. Not an important bug. Description: by a Psy-Tower I captured NOD Mutant Hijacker. And using that captured Mutant Hijacker unit, I captured some vehicle. I thought that that vehicle will be in my possession forever, but in fact it became being controlled by that Psy-Tower which was controlling that Mutant Hijacker unit before, and unlike my expectations, it looks correct. But then, I sold (but could just deactivate) that Psy-Tower to check what will happen. That vehicle became neutral, but it must be returned to the player which possessed that Mutant Hijacker in the first place (unless that player is already defeated on that moment).
19. Another one not important bug. Tick Tank can not enter Yuri's Tank Bunker. It's a lil bit dumb, but still.
Also, "deployed" Stealth Tank can not enter Yuri's Tank Bunker as well. But it could be quite useful.
The further notices are regarding AI's behavior.
20. When AI's Construction Yard is destroyed, that AI is building an MCV unit. And when that AI is deploying that MCV in some place, you can notice that that AI is building the wall in the primordial place of the destroyed Construction Yard, but not around the newly deployed Construction Yard.
21. In the very most cases, Devil's Tongue controlled by AI can not come up to surface. (noticed in v2.6.2, but could not re-check it properly on v2.6.3)
22. Yuri AI can produce a Stealth Harvester. It had a Radar, a Barracks and a War Factory built. I noticed it with an Easy AI difficulty but maybe it is also true for all of the difficulties. (noticed in v2.6.2, but could not re-check it properly on v2.6.3)
23. If among the Superweapons list to disable the availability of Psychic Dominator but leave the availability of Genetic Mutator, Yuri AI is constructing either Psychic Dominator or Genetic Mutator, something one. Psychic Dominator is just a structure though, not triggers the appropriate superweapon things (like superweapon applyance option availability and countdown). Even though an issue #3 was fixed in v2.6.3, this issue still persists.
24. Lasher Tank can drive through the enemy'es unoccupied Tank Bunker. Is that alright?
25. AI can build on the land near the Naval Yards, so that's the way it sometimes achieves the islands.
26. Sometimes destroying AI's buildings do not influences to the area of the placing buildings availability, so it can place buildings on the area far enough from it's placed structures.
27. In the mode with silos, AI is not fair, because it is not building them, and the economy for that AI is not limited, and it is as same as original.
Mistakes noticed in the russian translation:
28. In the descriptions of various units, buildings, etc:
ALL the infantry transport vehicles - GDI/NOD APCs, alliance IFV and copter and Battle Fortress, russian copter and flac, ufo, all the hovering amphibious
It includes either "- Транспортrt", "- Транспортt" or "-Транспортt", but should be "- Транспорт"
ALL the Harvesters
"Сборщикr", should be "Сборщик"
Stealth Harvester
"Сборщикr", should be "Сборщик";
"Невидимкаth", should be "Невидимка"
Stealth Tank
"Невидимкаh", should be "Невидимка";
"При развертывании:
> Нет невидимка
... "
should be:
"При развертывании:
> Нет покрова невидимости
... "
Mobile Stealth Generator
"Cloak an area from enemies", should be "Генерирует покров невидимости"
Devil's Tongue
"Способен передвигаться под землейn", should be "Способен передвигаться под землей"
Subterranean APC
"Способен передвигаться под землейn", should be "Способен передвигаться под землей";
"Транспортrt", should be "Транспорт"
Sensor Array
"обнаруживает невидимок.", should be "обнаруживает невидимок"
Chameleon Spy
"Невидимкаh", should be "Невидимка"
Mutant Hijacker
"Иммунитет к Тибериумом", should be "Иммунитет к Тибериуму"
Elite Cadre
"Иммунитет к Тибериумом", should be "Иммунитет к Тибериуму"
Stealth Generator
"Скрыть область от врагов", should be "Генерирует покров невидимости"
Yuri Mission 3. The first pop-up briffing-like in-mission message:
"Горный хребет Алтак в Карзахстане, район горных лесов и ледниковых вод."
should be:
"Горный хребет Алатау в Казахстане, район горных лесов и ледниковых вод."
Also I have some suggestions, maybe the devs will find them reasonable to release.
29. With setting amount of start cash, you can surely notice that AI either have them more than player, or the expences are cheaper for that AI. If it is alright and it is planned the way like AI should be playing hard, what do you think - is it reasonable to create some kind of a checkbox with activation of which you will be playing with AI on even regarding economics?
30. There are cases when destroying a moving vehicle, the cell it was located before it's destruction, becomes unavailable for a units location. But the route for the units contains that cell to be drived through. And when those units are going to pass through that defective cell, their behavior is they stop right in front of it, thinking a little bit and then going around it. That defective cell can be fixed using Magnetron by dropping a vehicle to that cell. As my suggestion, if it is impossible to prevent the appearance of such cells, then how about to make some kind of superweapon available from the beginning for any non-AI players, which can drop a harmless self-destructing vehicle-like object to any cell point of the map?
31. Group type of the Alliance paratroopers varies between a combo of G.I. soldiers and Guardian G.I. But how about this? - to add a building which is available if Airforce Command is built; that building can be built only once for each player; that building is a bunker (probably a deployed vehicle type), which can be garrisoned by any trooper. Let's suppose that building is a tent of awaiting. Next thing, besides you have an availability option to land the usual group, there is another availability option. That option's availability requirements are - the tent of awaiting is placed on the map; the countdown for the availability option for a usual paratroopers group is equal to 0 AND the tent of awaiting is garrisoned by at least 1 unit. That new availability option is applying the same way like the availability option for a usual paratroopers group. What will happen when you apply it? - usual group availability option's countdown resets (and because of that, that new availability option disappears cause the requirement is countdown=0); the copies of the units which were garrisoning the tent of awaiting, with their experience and bonuses (attack, armor, speed, stealth, controlled by the cause of using Psychic Dominator), will be set for to be parachuted from the plane to the selected point of map; the tent of awaiting 'clears/wipes out' from the units OR in case it is can not be made, just solds/self-destructs. And because of that, I think it will be reasonable to also do that it is impossible to apply the Iron Curtain and Force Shield to the tent of awaiting.
The result - a manually gathered team will be parachuted by a plane to the selected point of map.
32. Taking into account the issue #3, here is the next suggestion. About the NOD's Waste Facility. It is available for to be constructed if Missile Silo is built. But since Waste Facility it is a Refinery-typed structure which also gives a stealth harvester, There are two kind of suggestions.
a.) Let it be available for to be constructed if Battle Lab or Tech Center is built;
b.) The Superweapon's checkbox of Chemical Missile infuences to the availability dependence of Waste Facility:
- Chemical Missile Superweapon checkbox off -> (like suggestion 'a') Waste Facility is available for to be constructed if Battle Lab or Tech Center is built. It can be built, but the things related to it's superweapon properties (like an availability option and a countdown) are not triggering;
- Chemical Missile Superweapon checkbox on -> the things like they currently are.
And so, the AI can build this building (fulfilling the appropriate dependence requirement) independently of Superweapon's checkbox of Chemical Missile is switched on or off.
33. In the mode with silos, the Harvesters are spending a time to unload the resource to the Refineries. In many Westwood games if in this particular moment of resources unloading to capture by engineer the refinery-typed structure a harvester is spending it's unloading time, that refinery will be captured with the harvester which is continuing being unloading the resources into that refinery. But here the situation is that only Refinery is capturing, without the into unloading process Harvester. Maybe in such times of capturing by engineer make it be capturing with the Harvester as well? Capturing by Yuri Prime should not capturing the into unloading process Harvester.
34. Looks like Carryall when it is en-route flying is not keeping a height level above the landscape height differences change. And due to this, it can be flying through the 3D models of some very high buildings. Should not it be flying the same 'logic' like, for example, the MIG?
35. A lil bit dumb suggestion. Make an availability of 'infiltrating' of the player's or player ally'es barraks for a Liberated Slaves. Depending of the type of barraks, they will become G.I., Infantry, Light Infantry, Conscript or Initiator.
And also maybe an availability of 'infiltrating' of the player's or player ally'es deployed Slave Miner, to become a Slave again (just disappear after infiltration).
* While playing Yuri Campaign, you can witness the Russian AI is producing the flying units Rocket Angel from barraks. Since that unit might be trained if there is an appropriate Secret Lab in possession, I guess it is not a bug, and there is a Secret Lab in that AI's possession...
* Looks like a thrown discs of Disc Thrower (and of IFV with a Disc Thrower unit inside) will never be bouncing on this engine, isn't it?..
* There is no that kind of box anymore like it was in the earlier versions of the game which gives a permanent stealth ability to the units or buildings which were on it's range in the moment of acquiring it...