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Member Since 24 Jul 2007
Offline Last Active Jun 07 2008 07:04 PM

Topics I've Started

Quick question

15 August 2007 - 11:34 AM

How can i make my own images of Command buttons, and able to use them ingame?

I would like to know, so i can make new buttons for my heros ;) since some of the Buttons, Dont Resemble The Power :(

My soon-to be Mod :)

12 August 2007 - 06:55 PM

Hi, i am making a new map's, then eventually going to be turning them into mods :p i am a beginner at Ini coding, so dont espect anything spectacular :p just fun stuff.
I have no name for the mod yet, But ive removed and added some already made heros ;) Gondor no longer keeps Faramir,instead they get Isildur & Denethor. and mordor gets a new hero, Adûnaphel, Coded Myself.

I am still brainstorming :cool: if you have any idea's to suggest please post :cool2:


*NEW*!Adunaphels Powers*NEW*!
~Adunaphels Powers~
-Toggle sword/bow-
Toggle Between His sword and his bow

-Arrow of Apocalypse-
 Shoot A Dark Arrow Dealing Shadow Damage And blowing back troops.

-Morgul Wraith-
Increased 300% Damage Increased 100% Armour Inflicts Darkness to Surrounding Targets, any unit attacking will get hit for a small amount

-Apocalypse Flurry-
 Shoot A flurry of Dark arrows Killing troops in the area

OPTION 1#Coming Soon!# (level 9)
-Flaming Shadows-
Shoot 2 Massive Shadow Ball's Blasting enemys away
(in some sence, this is like legolas's Hawk Strike, just a better AOE effect + damage

OPTION2!#Coming Soon!# (level 9)
-Meteor Rain-
 Launch Meteor's Into The air, Falling down and Crushing and exploding all Enemys in its path (around 20 fireballs will be shot)

~~~:::::(Enter the void):::::~~~(Level 10 :O)
Create A massive Vortex Sucking all enemys and Throwing Them back down To Earth
(THIS ABILITY IS SWEET! like a Word of power, But Enemys Fall from the Sky :)

please post which Option You would like to pick ^_^ i really cant decide, but im thinking toward's Meteor Rain.

Since i have just started coding today, this topic will be updated daily :lol: hopefully i will get somewhere.
Map is 2v2 Lothlorien Forest starlight Made by Wise|Rohara :lol: I will make the maps later, just getting the modding over and done with.
Thank you

~ Ultama ~

New Updates: Removed Pikemen Horde Size, due to Formations not working.
Working on bug were Adunaphel's Enter the void abilty dont work when he's level 10.

Chaning Construction Image

11 August 2007 - 07:15 PM

I am making a new map (to test with, then i will start developing a mod for it) and ive made a new hero, which i want Mordor To have. Currently The Picture is of faramir (Child Object) But how am i able to change it into a Image of the nazgul?
(im using a map.ini, like that matters)
Thank You


Possible to make Mountains square?

11 August 2007 - 04:05 PM

Just for short notice, Is it possible to make a mountain square? Because im making a map, and i need square mountains (soon to look like buildings O.o) But i dont want it like the normal buildings :D instead i just want square mountains. Is it possible?

A few Questions

24 July 2007 - 02:57 PM

hi ;) Im ultama, and im new here, people may know me from UKLA on Gamereplays.
I have a few modding questions.

Note: This isnt Ini.big, but map.ini
1. How Can i edit The
Weapon RohanTreeBeardPunch
  DelayBetweenShots			= 500
  FiringDuration			= 250
  PreAttackDelay			= 100
And edit it so i can add it into
ModifierList TreeberdCarnage
	Category = WEAPON
	Modifier = ARMOR 20%
	Modifier = SPEED 20000%
	Duration = 40000
	FX		 = FX_TreeberdRage
So basically, when Treebeard gets to lv 10, he gets Ent-rage, then he is able to Hit faster then before..

I tried, and got errors

2.How can i add an ability already existing In my map.ini?
AkA Making Treebeard Use
Like On a death of a gladiator?

3. How can i add glows to The weapon part of body, i already have this for treebeard:
XList FX_TreeBeardTreeLord
	Name = TreeLord
	AttachToObject	= Yes
	AttachToBone	= FIREPOINT01
	Name = TreeLord
	AttachToObject	= Yes
	AttachToBone	= B_PINKY2R
	Name = TreeLord
	AttachToObject	= Yes
	AttachToBone	= B_POINT2R
	Name = TreeLord
	AttachToObject	= Yes
	AttachToBone	= B_PINKY2L
	Name = TreeLord
	AttachToObject	= Yes
	AttachToBone	= B_POINT2L
	Name = TreeLord
	AttachToObject	= Yes
	AttachToBone	= B_THUMB1L
	Name = TreeLord
	AttachToObject	= Yes
	AttachToBone	= B_FOOT2L
	Name = TreeLord
	AttachToObject	= Yes
	AttachToBone	= B_FOOT2R
But how can i make it so Like Gimili's axe is glowing red?

Thank you VERY MUCH :)

Ultama :p :p :p