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Member Since 28 Jul 2007
Offline Last Active Jan 03 2015 04:28 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Finding Someone

24 April 2012 - 09:18 PM

So. How hard is it to find a girl who loves Lord of the Rings?

I have found one, and I treat her like my Noldorin princess, but she is younger than me. :(

Any thoughts on finding another one?

Not going to build a relationship with that kind of attitude ¬_¬

In Topic: Obama

28 February 2012 - 08:34 PM

I will never understand American politics.

At what point do policies actually factor into consideration of a politician's worth? And I'm not talking about your half-baked extrapolations and woeful assertions.

Personal attacks, vehement criticisms of anything remotely progressive, strict adherence to partisan lies and half-truths...

I cannot wait for the day when people like you turn around and say 'it was all satire!'


In Topic: Vent your anger topic

26 February 2012 - 04:54 PM

Normally, I would never complain about having pimples, which I get a decent ammount of, but the corner of the mouth is an especially terrible place for one. Not only was it a massive, ugly whitehead, the face that it was at the corner of my mouth meant that it was constantly being pulled at and aggrivated. Anytime I ate, spoke, yawned, sneezed, coughed, or did any other activity that involved moving my mouth, the pimple would get bigger, ugglier and more painful. This thing was on my face for a whole week. Now that my wisdom teeth are out, my entire face is like one giant, painful zit.

Ah, I see - my condolences ^_^

In Topic: Vent your anger topic

25 February 2012 - 06:05 PM

Pimple at the corner of my mouth...enough said.

(late reply) Why is that such a big issue? I still have a mild form of acne, and I'm 19. I'd be fine with it if it weren't for shaving, which really aggravates it.

In Topic: Best laugh I had today

13 February 2012 - 07:58 PM

Speed cameras: a European socialist conspiracy? :)

I think we have it quite nice up here, the rules say that the government is not allowed to hide the cameras and there has to be clear signs a moderately random distance before the camera itself. In the UK I hear they get camouflaged like hell and are generally just there to fuck you up.

In theory speed cameras in the UK also have to have signs beforehand, and be painted yellow. I don't know if that's a law or just consensus. However, there are arbitrary exceptions.