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Member Since 27 Aug 2015
Offline Last Active Oct 03 2015 07:11 PM

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Connection Problems [Zero Hour]

29 August 2015 - 04:38 PM

Hey guys,


the problem is I just start the game and go to the onlinepart and everything is fine. I also see the other rooms and can join them but when the games starts its disconnecting me in the next 4-5 seconds. The same problem is found when i host a game. Someone joins and disconnects after a couple of seconds. I searched the web and this forum and cant find a post that was like my problem. When I try to join a game and the game will start there comes a message "Verbindungsaufbau nicht möglich." or better said in englisch "Unable to connect.". When I start online a game alone everything works fine.


So guys , I searched and searched and cant found something that fix my problems.


Things I tried :


Gen-Tool 7.2

started Origin as an Admin

included in Firewall (Origin , Zero Hour , everthing with C&C)

newest patches (+ C&C Ultimate Collection)


I got Windows 7 by the way.



Thanks guys for you'r help.



Here a screenshot when the message pops after the game starts (not when I join a room , instead when the "real" game starts):

Attached File  C&C connection problem.png   658.02KB   22 downloads