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Member Since 09 Aug 2007
Offline Last Active Oct 03 2010 10:47 AM

Topics I've Started

Circle of War mod for Warcraft 3

20 December 2009 - 05:11 PM

* Project name - Circle of War
* Desired sub-domain - cow.iceforge.net
* The type of project, and a description. - a full mod, featuring many races and HUGE changes to existing races.
* The size of your team - only myself right now, but i'm looking for a modeler.
* Any previous site link - http://www.moddb.com...s/circle-of-war
* Any screen-shots - here are dozens of them http://www.moddb.com...s/circle-of-war
* Any miscellaneous remarks - i'm gonna create a mod that actually WILL be released =)

Need modeler!

20 December 2009 - 05:04 PM

Greetings to all I'm creating a mod named Circle of War.
Here is the link: http://www.moddb.com...s/circle-of-war
Currently i'm looking for a nice modeler. Or, more specifically - a person who can convert any model and texture from WoW to Warcraft III.
The model edits for size decreasing aren't necessery, cuz i'm using a MPQ archive to store all the assets. That's why i'm looking for ALOT high quality models from WoW. If you are interested, please MP me and we'll work in team!