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Member Since 14 Aug 2007
Offline Last Active Sep 01 2007 02:18 PM

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In Topic: NPatch possible idea

31 August 2007 - 10:18 AM


Can it use MOD with campaign??

In Topic: Wishlist

29 August 2007 - 01:16 PM

Clone "CloakSound=" (in rulesmd.ini) to add another cloaking or decloaking sound or the possibility of add a "CloakSound=" to each unit/infantry to hear a lot of differents cloak/decloak sounds, and using the [AudioVisual] entry only as defaults.

In Topic: Wishlist

16 August 2007 - 03:43 AM

No wonder i use Custom Missile

Some tag isnt useful :rolleyes:


Now i have a new idea

Maybe you would need Hunter Seeker SW tags to base the new SW

The SW is like StarCraft`s ghost

It called Guidable SW

The SW need infantry or vehicle to guide


GSBuildings=NAMISL,GAWEAT ;use launch SW buildings

;tags for every SW
IsGuidableSW=yes ; important tag
GSUnits=BORIS ;infantry or vehicle

;infantry for guiding
Guider=yes ; important tag
Secondary=Flare ;the guidable weapon must be secondary

Boris`s weapon
Damage=1 ;must 1
ROF=60 ;No meaning
Cursor=Nuke ;you can use the feature of NPatch
Warhead=Special ;must

When the SW doesnt ready, the guidable infantry(vehicle) all use normal weapon(Primary=AKM)
Until the SW ready , the infantry(vehicle) use guidable weapon(Secondary=Flare)

In Topic: Wishlist

14 August 2007 - 08:03 AM

Where is the feature of Custom Missile??? :p