I just want to write my ideas about POwers..
for motw when we summon the army of dead they should come with their king in the movie but with more battalions remember pellenor fields they were a Huge army lots of them went into minas trith and some of them were hunting mumakils and they should be stronger I think I usually prefer earthquake..
in the book of return of the king there were hobbit archers and their leader Bowman Nick Cotton.. if you read the book you know they drove saruman's men from shire in the Battle of Bywater. IMO when we summon hobbit alliases they should come with some battalions of bowman, stone throwers, knife warriors and with their special leader stronger Bowman Nick cotton maybe with a leadership and a special arrow power
and if Gondor and Rohan would be different sides..
summoning the rohan allies would be biggest power for Gondor. Because when we summon them they should come like rotk movie like when they arrived to Minas trith with at least 10 battalion of Rohirrim and with their leaders Theoden, Eomer, Eowyn and maybe Gamling
and summoning elven allies would be just for Rohan.. they should come like in two towers movie with at least 10 battalion of lorien archers and of course Haldir should leading them..
and most I want to see when we summon rainforcements if they come from a corner of the map on foot that would be awesomely realistic imo..
Member Since 22 Aug 2007Offline Last Active Sep 02 2007 12:31 PM