are you going to change the time to build units(it take's sooooo long) and the buildings have to much health ( I just played and it took me 15 min to destroy their fortress really)
pls can you do it otherwise It doesn't matter having all that units if you can't really use them allot
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Member Since 24 Aug 2007Offline Last Active Sep 01 2007 06:07 AM
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In Topic: Comments & Suggestions for Beta 4.5
26 August 2007 - 10:17 AM
In Topic: Downloading, Installation & Crashes! - Support!
25 August 2007 - 08:14 AM
O yes and how can you show that "tools " in Windows internet explorer?
pls help me because this mod is sooo awsome
Edit: I just made the map My Battle for Middle-earth files , put the SEE.big in it
than I start the game and I had that error to
(I don't now If it'll work but I'm rieinstalling the game and patching it up)
pls help me because this mod is sooo awsome
Edit: I just made the map My Battle for Middle-earth files , put the SEE.big in it
than I start the game and I had that error to
(I don't now If it'll work but I'm rieinstalling the game and patching it up)
In Topic: Downloading, Installation & Crashes! - Support!
25 August 2007 - 07:27 AM
I thought G was a dvd mean C?
You put in the spot as declared by my manual. (Start --> Run --> %appdata% --> My BFME2 Files)
no D: is our DVD-Drive and E-CD-ROM
and I don't now where the find the application data ( and neither the run whit start)
Edit: and what start do you mean?
In Topic: Downloading, Installation & Crashes! - Support!
24 August 2007 - 08:23 PM
Hi I have a problem whit the Mod(like many others perhaps )
I don't now where I have to put the SEE.big
My game is installed in direction G:
Can you pls help me I really want to play this game it looks sooooooo great
I don't now where I have to put the SEE.big
My game is installed in direction G:
Can you pls help me I really want to play this game it looks sooooooo great
In Topic: the SEE MOD
24 August 2007 - 05:03 PM
ok thx man
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