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Member Since 10 Sep 2007
Offline Last Active Mar 08 2008 10:44 PM

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In Topic: THE BUG HUNT - for Beta 4.6!

20 February 2008 - 06:23 AM

i reinstalled the game and fixed my problem. thanks for the help man. and no its not an illegal crack copy

In Topic: THE BUG HUNT - for Beta 4.6!

17 February 2008 - 11:34 PM

hi. my problem is everytime i start a game either on an 8 or 2 player map with in 3:30 minuets exactly the games ends saying ive been defeated. when i first played the mod file everything was good but lately i start a game and keeps ending at 3:30 minuets.

- What map was played? tried every 2 or 8 player map and ends in 3 minuets

- What faction(s) was used? elves. motw, mordor

- What units was involved, if any? just heroes or CAH

- What happened exactly when the bug was discovered? not sure, i build 3 farms first then get a hero, and build up to 7 more farms and send my hero to destroy some caves and then the game just ends