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Member Since 19 Sep 2007
Offline Last Active Oct 27 2007 08:11 AM

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In Topic: A List Of Problems - Please Take A Peep

21 October 2007 - 08:48 AM

Ok cool - my msn is cj.newman@hotmail.co.uk; ur welcome to add me. A big thing for me is learning how to make new spells (starting simple and basing it on current spells just editing the fx and names).

I think I'm going to put my school mod on hold and just start something simpler to learn first. Maybe join a mod team or something, none the less I'll keep up this question thread since I still dunno how to make new spells editing FX or how to make new buildings :huh:

In Topic: A List Of Problems - Please Take A Peep

20 October 2007 - 08:44 PM


+Umm... I understand that EA are unfair using lotr.str, but since they have... any idea what I'm doing wrong? :good:

In Topic: Tom Bombadil as a ringhero?

20 October 2007 - 07:21 PM

I'm a real noob when it come's to coding; but since I'm expecting others to help me the least I can do is try to help you.

Firstly I suggest creating a new hero (effectively a copy of tom bombadil); which I'm not 100% sure to do (check the tutorial on adding a new hero); or just change the spell which summons him to something else - summoning a ring hero with a 10pp spell wouldn't be too fair.

Presuming you understand how to use finalbig and and extract the ini file, then go to tom bombadils ini (object/goodfaction/generic/tombombadil), go to the bottom of the page and look for this:

Object TomBombadilSummonEgg
	Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw ModuleTag_Draw
			Model = None
	Body = ActiveBody ModuleTag_MakesKillWork
		MaxHealth = 1
	Behavior = LifetimeUpdate ModuleTag_HatchTrigger
		MinLifetime		= 0.0
		MaxLifetime		= 0.0		
	Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_HatchProcess
		DestructionDelay = 2000
		FX	= INITIAL FX_BombadilSummoningStart
		FX	= FINAL FX_BombadilSummoningFinish
		OCL = FINAL OCL_SpawnTomBombadil

ChildObject TomBombadil_Summoned TomBombadil
	IsTrainable			= No
	CommandPoints		= 0
	EquivalentTo		= TomBombadil
	KindOf				= +SUMMONED
	Behavior = LifetimeUpdate ModuleTag_LifetimeUpdate	
		MinLifetime		= 60000
		MaxLifetime		= 60000
		DeathType		= FADED

	Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_Fading
		DeathTypes			= NONE +FADED
		FadeDelay			= 0
		FadeTime			= 1000
		DestructionDelay	= 1000
		DeathFlags			= DEATH_1
		Sound = INITIAL SpellGenericUnsummonFasterMS

Delete it all - this will remove this timer. Then do make him a buildable ring hero (you can do this with any hero) go to playertemplate.ini. Then go to the faction of which you want him to become ringhero - I'll use Men:

PlayerTemplate FactionMen
	Side			  = Men
	PlayableSide	  = Yes
	Evil		  = No
	StartMoney		= 0
	PreferredColor	  = R:43 G:150 B:179
	StartingBuilding  = MenFortress
;------------- NO STARTING UNITS FOR YOU -------
;StartingUnit0 		= GondorFighterHorde 
;StartingUnitOffset0 	= X:-60 Y:185 Z:0
	StartingUnit1 		= MenPorter 
	StartingUnitOffset1 	= X:30 Y:200 Z:0
	StartingUnit0 		= MenPorter 
	StartingUnitOffset0 	= X:1 Y:130 Z:0
	StartingUnitTacticalWOTR	= MenPorter		;// This unit is placed in tactical mode when playing WOTR. Add multiple lines for multiple units.
	StartingUnitTacticalWOTR	= MenPorter
	IntrinsicSciences		= SCIENCE_GOOD
	IntrinsicSciencesMP 		= SCIENCE_MEN
	SpellBook			= GoodSpellBook
	SpellBookMp			= MenSpellBook
	PurchaseScienceCommandSet	= GoodSpellStoreCommandSet
	PurchaseScienceCommandSetMP	= MenSpellStoreCommandSet
	DisplayName			= INI:FactionMen
	DefaultPlayerAIType		= MenSkirmishAI
	BeaconName			= MultiplayerBeacon
	LightPointsUpSound		= GondorLightPointsUp
	ObjectiveAddedSound		= Gui_MissionObjectiveNew
	ObjectiveCompletedSound		= Gui_MissionObjectiveCompleted
	InitialUpgrades			= Upgrade_MenFaction	; Any upgrades this player template is born with.

	// NOTE: It is very important that the create-a-hero be the first buildable hero, to ensure that the create-a-hero and the ring hero are always 
	// attached to the first two buttons in the command set.

	BuildableHeroesMP		= CreateAHero RohanEowyn RohanEomer GondorBoromir RohanTheoden GondorFaramir GondorAragornMP GondorGandalf 
	BuildableRingHeroesMP		= ElvenGaladriel_RingHero
	SpellStoreCurrentPowerLabel 	= APT:SpellStoreCurrentEvenstarPower
	SpellStoreMaximumPowerLabel 	= APT:SpellStoreMaximumEvenstarPower
	ResourceModifierObjectFilter 	= RESOURCE_MODIFIER_OBJECT_FILTER
	ResourceModifierValues		= 100 100 100 100 90 85 80 75 71 68 66
	MultiSelectionPortrait		= UPGondor_Army
	LoadScreenMusic				= Shell2MusicForLoadScreen

And just change the opart where it says "BuildableRingHeroesMP" to whatever you want... if tombombadil then change ElvenGaladirel_RingHero to TomBombadil. It should then look like this:

PlayerTemplate FactionMen
	Side			  = Men
	PlayableSide	  = Yes
	Evil		  = No
	StartMoney		= 0
	PreferredColor	  = R:43 G:150 B:179
	StartingBuilding  = MenFortress
;------------- NO STARTING UNITS FOR YOU -------
;StartingUnit0 		= GondorFighterHorde 
;StartingUnitOffset0 	= X:-60 Y:185 Z:0
	StartingUnit1 		= MenPorter 
	StartingUnitOffset1 	= X:30 Y:200 Z:0
	StartingUnit0 		= MenPorter 
	StartingUnitOffset0 	= X:1 Y:130 Z:0
	StartingUnitTacticalWOTR	= MenPorter		;// This unit is placed in tactical mode when playing WOTR. Add multiple lines for multiple units.
	StartingUnitTacticalWOTR	= MenPorter
	IntrinsicSciences		= SCIENCE_GOOD
	IntrinsicSciencesMP 		= SCIENCE_MEN
	SpellBook			= GoodSpellBook
	SpellBookMp			= MenSpellBook
	PurchaseScienceCommandSet	= GoodSpellStoreCommandSet
	PurchaseScienceCommandSetMP	= MenSpellStoreCommandSet
	DisplayName			= INI:FactionMen
	DefaultPlayerAIType		= MenSkirmishAI
	BeaconName			= MultiplayerBeacon
	LightPointsUpSound		= GondorLightPointsUp
	ObjectiveAddedSound		= Gui_MissionObjectiveNew
	ObjectiveCompletedSound		= Gui_MissionObjectiveCompleted
	InitialUpgrades			= Upgrade_MenFaction	; Any upgrades this player template is born with.

	// NOTE: It is very important that the create-a-hero be the first buildable hero, to ensure that the create-a-hero and the ring hero are always 
	// attached to the first two buttons in the command set.

	BuildableHeroesMP		= CreateAHero RohanEowyn RohanEomer GondorBoromir RohanTheoden GondorFaramir GondorAragornMP GondorGandalf 
	BuildableRingHeroesMP		= TomBombadil
	SpellStoreCurrentPowerLabel 	= APT:SpellStoreCurrentEvenstarPower
	SpellStoreMaximumPowerLabel 	= APT:SpellStoreMaximumEvenstarPower
	ResourceModifierObjectFilter 	= RESOURCE_MODIFIER_OBJECT_FILTER
	ResourceModifierValues		= 100 100 100 100 90 85 80 75 71 68 66
	MultiSelectionPortrait		= UPGondor_Army
	LoadScreenMusic				= Shell2MusicForLoadScreen

If you want to change how much Tom Bombadil costs and his build time, just go back to his ini and add the lines:

BuildTime = Whatever you want (defualt ring hero is 5 minutes, but I think the times is odne in miliseconds)
BuildCost = Whatever you want (default ring hero is 10,000)

-I'm not sure if all of that is right, but I think that''s the general idea. That's the best I can do I'm afraid - any other more experienced modder is free to correct me :good:

In Topic: WoTE new map peak 3/11/07 section

20 October 2007 - 12:31 PM

I think they're awesome; any chance of a moria map? Not sure if it can be effectively translated into a skirmish map, but possibly it could be a unique map which special things inside...

Maybe if you light a speific fire or beacon loads of goblins will come to your aid, or make lots of destructable tunnels to collapse on enemies or cut off escapes. You could loads of neutral goblins everywhere; we could have the watcher too.

Would be fun and different :) (Also I'm sure some sort of Balrog could be thrown in).

Edit: 100th post - yay!

Honestly man I don't think its a bit accomplishment converting the EA maps, and it doesn't have anything to do with Rhun or Dorwinion.

I didn't think it was a big accomplishment to spell the word "big" wrong, but there we go. Comments like this serve no purpose; they're good maps, so if you want to help Elvenfury why not suggest ideas for other maps. Don't criticise those who try without reason; it says a lot more about you then them :good:

In Topic: A List Of Problems - Please Take A Peep

20 October 2007 - 09:07 AM

;;;;;; WEAPON SETS;;;;;;	
	  Conditions	= None 
	  Weapon	= PRIMARY GoblinKingBlade
		Conditions	= None
		Armor		 = HeroArmor
		DamageFX	  = NormalDamageFX
	ShroudClearingRange 	= SHROUD_CLEAR_HERO

	DisplayName 	= OBJECT:SchoolHarry
	RecruitText	= CONTROLBAR:HarryRecruit
	ReviveText	= CONTROLBAR:HarryRevive
	Hotkey		= CONTROLBAR:HarryHotkey
	CrushableLevel 	= 2				 ; What am I?:		0 = for infantry, 1 = for trees, 2 = general vehicles
	CrusherLevel 	= 0 			; What can I crush?: 0 = small animals, 1 = infantry, 2 = trees, 3 = vehicles

	CommandSet 	= HarryCommandSet 	; What can I crush?: 0 = small animals, 1 = infantry, 2 = trees, 3 = vehicles

Looks like I've done all that right... here's the playertemplate.ini

PlayerTemplate FactionSchool
	Side			  = School
	PlayableSide	  = Yes
	Evil		  = No
	StartMoney		= 0
	PreferredColor	  = R:43 G:150 B:179
	StartingBuilding  = ArnorFortress
;------------- NO STARTING UNITS FOR YOU -------
;StartingUnit0 		= GondorFighterHorde 
;StartingUnitOffset0 	= X:-60 Y:185 Z:0
	StartingUnit1 		= SchoolPorter 
	StartingUnitOffset1 	= X:30 Y:200 Z:0
	StartingUnit0 		= SchoolPorter 
	StartingUnitOffset0 	= X:1 Y:130 Z:0
	StartingUnitTacticalWOTR	= MenPorter	;// This unit is placed in tactical mode when playing WOTR. Add multiple lines for multiple units.
	StartingUnitTacticalWOTR	= MenPorter
	IntrinsicSciences		= SCIENCE_GOOD
	IntrinsicSciencesMP 		= SCIENCE_SCHOOL
	SpellBook			= GoodSpellBook
	SpellBookMp			= SchoolSpellBook
	PurchaseScienceCommandSet	= GoodSpellStoreCommandSet
	PurchaseScienceCommandSetMP	= SchoolSpellStoreCommandSet
	DisplayName			= INI:FactionSchool
	DefaultPlayerAIType		= MenSkirmishAI
	BeaconName			= MultiplayerBeacon
	LightPointsUpSound		= GondorLightPointsUp
	ObjectiveAddedSound		= Gui_MissionObjectiveNew
	ObjectiveCompletedSound		= Gui_MissionObjectiveCompleted
	InitialUpgrades			= Upgrade_MenFaction; Any upgrades this player template is born with.

	// NOTE: It is very important that the create-a-hero be the first buildable hero, to ensure that the create-a-hero and the ring hero are always 
	// attached to the first two buttons in the command set.

	BuildableHeroesMP		= CreateAHero SchoolHarry 
	BuildableRingHeroesMP		= ElvenGaladriel_RingHero
	SpellStoreCurrentPowerLabel 	= APT:SpellStoreCurrentEvenstarPower
	SpellStoreMaximumPowerLabel 	= APT:SpellStoreMaximumEvenstarPower
	ResourceModifierObjectFilter 	= RESOURCE_MODIFIER_OBJECT_FILTER
	ResourceModifierValues		= 100 100 100 100 90 85 80 75 71 68 66
	MultiSelectionPortrait		= UPGondor_Army
	LoadScreenMusic				= Shell2MusicForLoadScreen

Also I don't know why any heroes aren't buildable; it's not a problem with the unit as far as I can seem because I tested building him with Isengard (by adding him to "Buildable HeroesMP") and it worked fine.

I'll talk you through EXACTLY what I've done with lotr.str:

1. Opened up english.big with finalbig editor.
2. Extracted the lotr.str on to my desktop.
3. Edited it appropriatly with notepad.
4. Dragged into my "data" folder on the desktop.
5. Opened finalbig and added the "data" directory.
6. Saved As "inischool.big" replacing the old ini (made a backup).

This process was the same for how I approached audio (ie changing the background music) and it worked fine.

Also if someone would explain how I could make a green fireball (like Sarumans), rename it Snotball (which I could do when I understand lotr.str) and change the damage and stuff. I know I'd have to alter FXParticlesystem.ini, FXList.ini, AtrributeModifier.ini, Specialpowers.ini but I don't really know what I'm doing.

-Thanks to everyone, but esepcially up to this point Elvenfury :good: