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Member Since 20 Sep 2007
Offline Last Active Jun 20 2013 10:29 PM

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In Topic: Tiberium Dawn V1.05 update

24 September 2007 - 11:44 PM

Hmm... could you find the value that gives the dimensions of the lowest of the 2 sidebar SHP files? If it's extended to the bottom, a simple edit of the SHP file (filling the bottom) might fix the sidebar refresh error.

I think that I solved that. In attached file is a modified shape (original is in updatec.mix). I do not know what is the best way to incorporate it into the game. During testing I replaced it within the original mix file. You also need to apply following modification because the game used too small buffer so the sprite was not working correctly.

#Allocate buffer bigger than 40000 pixels
000443E5: 40 FF
000443E6: 9C FF
000443E7: 00 F0
000443EA: 40 FF
000443EB: 9C FF
000443EC: 00 F0
#Allow width * height to be bigger than 65535
00056010: 66 8B
00056011: 8B 55
00056012: 55 76
00056013: 76 90

In Topic: Tiberium Dawn V1.05 update

24 September 2007 - 09:02 AM

Do you mind if I distribute this hack?

No problem, use it in any way you wish.

Because the bpatch is GPL you might need to include its source code to comply with it (the other possibilities are more complicated).

In Topic: Tiberium Dawn V1.05 update

23 September 2007 - 11:26 AM

Is there actually one main resolution value? Or can the main menu have a different resolution than the game?

The game sets the desired screen resolution during its startup and does not touch it after that.

In Topic: Tiberium Dawn V1.05 update

22 September 2007 - 11:06 PM

btw, which disassembler do you use?


I noticed something odd... on the main menu, the Load Game window is centered in 1024x768, while all others (multiplayer, network game, New Missions) stay centered in the 640x400 corner.

Is this due to the fact the Load Game window is also used ingame?

This depends on how the dialog was coded. Some contain hardcoded values, some calculate them from resolution. Sometimes it is inconsistent even within one logical element. For example most of the sidebar calculates its position from the resolution however the map/sell/repair buttons have position hardcoded.

The Windows version still contains some optional code for support of original 320x200 resolution so it is possible that at least for some time the source code was compilable into both variants. It was probably up to individual developer to decide, if the dialog will scale during runtime or if there will be some compile time defines for both variants.

In Topic: Tiberium Dawn V1.05 update

21 September 2007 - 07:44 AM

I got a command line byte editor... I'll post a script to apply this to any exe file by running a batch script :dry:

(have to convert all addresses & values to decimal though... or program a hex value convertor in my command line byte editor X_x)

Following program can directly apply the format I am using http://portal.vakove...o...cid=3&lid=6