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Member Since 26 Sep 2007
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In Topic: Particlesystem problem

14 November 2007 - 01:18 PM

If you happen to find the solution, please share it with us. I've been looking into the same matter (giving the flame particles a red color) but I didn't manage to find the solution so far (partly due to a lack of time).

Good luck finding it! :)

In Topic: Missile defense?

10 October 2007 - 03:10 PM

I find this topic kinda interesting, because I'm trying to do the same thing with the Avatar, i. e. make it so that the secondary (beam cannon) laser is more of a precise pin point defense pulse laser rather than a slightly weaker standard laser. I tried adding ANTI_PROJECTILE and ANTI_SMALL_MISSILE, but it doesn't work yet. What else do you need to change?

In Topic: mod making

29 September 2007 - 05:52 PM

well i see what your saying, but where do i put the other set of [tags], like where in the beggining befroe any other writing?

It's just like I said - you forgot the opening <Tags>, which, even if you don't specify anything within it, comes directly before the closing tag.

Mod.xml for example:


Okay, if what Dark Lord of the Sith said is right, you can forget what I told you x)

In Topic: mod making

29 September 2007 - 05:00 PM

First of all - why do you only have the closing [/Tags]-tag in every one of your files? It should more look like


in the beginning.

I don't know if this is the only issue, but it could probably lead to the mod not working. Try fixing that first.

If that doesn't work, remove all of your mod includes from your mod.xml. Try if that works. If it does, add one. Try again and repeat. This is probably the easiest way to circle the error(s) in your files, so that you can fix 'em.

In Topic: mod making

28 September 2007 - 02:26 PM

Did you get your mod to work before? If so, have a look at the changes you made since then. If not... Good luck finding the error, it could basically be anything in your files :D


In your mod.xml, there is the following line:

<include type="all" source="DATA:TheGreatTiberiuWar/Data/soundmod.xml"/>

There might be an m missing in "Tiberium". The other entries are pointing to "TheGreatTiberiumWar". Spelling mistakes in your mod.xml could cause the error you're getting, because it points to an invalid location.