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Duplo V2

Member Since 19 Oct 2007
Offline Last Active May 02 2008 04:43 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: BFTHG

02 May 2008 - 04:39 PM

HA fixed the sheet, please anyone add anything i havnet already covered or you think would go brilliantly in the mod

'fraid we don't have a site but (if you can find it in your heart) to advertise us (inconspicuously in case we can't get off the ground fast) we would be very grateful ^.^

In Topic: BFTHG

24 April 2008 - 07:12 PM

meh... I need a bfme kinda form so i chose holy grail is all, also we have Livestock Catapults for the evil to balance

They fire Exisiting models of wildlife from bfme

There are many other things i could add, Note: the doc was rushed so i forgot a few names and units i think or half finished or something e.g Abbility to throw coconuts, and 2 other faction abbilities i couldn't think of (fruit bombardment?) (Summon special units?) (other stat enhancing bull****?). please put whatever ideas you like on this post

PLUS there will be original music from the film ( the long boat music for ambiance and so on...) AND (recorded from the film) Peasant speach E.g "I'm Being oppressed!"

guess a lethal joke abbility might work,

Peace out

In Topic: The Last Twilight ideas

25 October 2007 - 10:27 AM

thats what i said in my edit if you look

In Topic: The Last Twilight ideas

25 October 2007 - 10:19 AM

not bad :xd: there is plenty of time to decide

In Topic: The Last Twilight ideas

25 October 2007 - 10:10 AM

too late, someone has already used eaons of training in a mod,

WOW,:xd: i didnt know much about what i was saying at first orloin, but im glad you pointed that out :xd:

also mithril was a thing you could use on both but not both at the same time, that i thought you'd work out:mellow:

so then lets agree. bows of the golden wood? upgrade and for the other elves arrows of mithlond?

i don't want to start an argument. we'll just wait until celegin gets internet :xd: and he'll say
imposssible to code idea sentinals can sabotage buildings so they stop producing resources and troops for a while. and orc labourers, peasants gondor? /rohan can fix em up n running again quicker, and so can sentinals