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Member Since 21 Oct 2007
Offline Last Active Jun 30 2009 06:25 AM

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In Topic: "Netiquette"

30 June 2009 - 06:09 AM

Just stopping by..... liking the mod, seems like someone took the advice to lower build times, but maybe it's just my head.

And yeah, this thread makes nazgul look kinda... whiny... And no, I will not use smileys.

Still trying to figure out how to mod your mod, I was delayed by unfortunate circumstances but I shall continue now! Wish me luck.


Guess I lied about the smileys.

In Topic: Sneak Peeks

30 June 2009 - 05:56 AM

When I saw the main page on The 3rd Age's page for this mod, I was worried that no one has been here working on the mod since christmas '08. I won't be so rude as to ask you to work faster, I know you get enough of that and I respect that you don't wish to release an unfinished product, and that you want to put an incredible amount of work into this modification. I would however ask that you at least update the main page..? Thanks.

Wow, okay, just read the other post, and saw that they stopped working on the mod. You'd think you might want to put that on the main page? You know, something like "We aren't working on this mod, you can't play it or even work with what we left behind, sorry."