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Member Since 02 Nov 2007
Offline Last Active Apr 13 2009 01:07 PM

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In Topic: Lothlórien (Elven) faction

12 January 2008 - 05:33 PM

A new power for Arwen:

~I can't see Aragorn fighting Arwen (except like a couple would. :dry:) so here's the idea:

"Elven Fair" or "Fair of skin"
Arwen takes no damage from Heroes/Cannot be targeted by Heroes. Could work as a passive ability.

(Even though the Nazgul would probably have no problem killing her.)

In Topic: Comments & Suggestions for Beta V!

12 January 2008 - 05:22 PM

The road idea would be interesting to see how it would work technically. The ground base was a unique idea, and now one of my favorites. However, roads sound weak in gameplay because to gain any benefit, you'd have to build the road from base to base, so you would have to defend the road, and you give away your intended path and possibly your expansions to the enemy.

I suppose you could also use it to trick the enemy in this way..

But for it to be effective, it would have to have no build time whatsoever, and be fairly inexpensive, and destroyable.

Which just isn't realistic, and not very middle earth. Roads were little more that dirt paths outside of the cities.

In Topic: Comments & Suggestions for Beta V!

28 December 2007 - 08:36 PM

uhm... the opening movie doesn't affect the starting time of the game... at all :good:
neither does content (aka, Evil men won't affect the startup time ;))

And all the dvd does it to launch the game.. there ain't really any files read from it :crazed: That's why the opening movies are installed to your computer...

Well, that's exactly it. If it's loading up the movies installed on my computer, it's adding to the load time, but what you might be saying is that it should take just as long as loading the original BFMEII movie.

Still, I believe the larger the files are we are adding to our computers, the longer it takes to load. How could it not?

In Topic: Comments & Suggestions for Beta V!

27 December 2007 - 11:30 PM

I find it takes much longer to load up SEE since the new startup movie has been added, and I assume it is because it's reading all that off of the C drive instead of a DVD. I'm skipping the opening movie now anyway because I just want to play, and with the evil men faction being added soon, I can only imagine the load up will take even longer, so could the opening movie be scrapped? (at least until the final version is released)

In Topic: Lothlórien (Elven) faction

16 December 2007 - 08:19 PM

Regarding Elladan and Elrohir, I was not in support of them being in the mod. There really isn't that much about them to justify making models for them, adding voices, and then adding powers.
However, I went to Wikipedia to see what it said about them, and it seems they have just as much to do with Men as they do Elves.
Perhaps they have a future in the MOTW faction? (I know they have a lot of heroes as well. Maybe they could be another Aragorn power, or maybe even added to the Dwarves as some sort of elven alliance.)
To read about their hate for orcs because they tortured their mother, perhaps they could have an 'orc bane' power up.
Apparantly they are in the movie, during Aragorn's coronation.

~I think we need to help out with the suggestions a bit more than just saying "because they are cool," guys. Not everyone may agree.

Having said that, if the twins land anywhere in the mod, here are some more power ideas.

A power that randomly activates any available power in the game. You could get fireball, or you could get walk unseen. *Any power. Call it "Observed Behavior"
An assassin power, to make it available to the good faction.
A one shot bow attack "right between the eyes."
"Replantation" Places a mallorn tree on the map to provide cover to the elves. (Once the mallorn tree is a stealth providing building.)
Gemini-A buff given to both brothers when they are together. Or if there was some way the one power made both of them attack together. That would be something. (You could extend this to Gimli and Legolas if you go with a "fellowship" in the gameplay.