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Member Since 02 Nov 2007
Offline Last Active Apr 14 2009 01:05 AM

Topics I've Started

Whats going on?

12 July 2008 - 11:57 AM

Hey, I haven't posted here in a very long time, I think it was... 5 months? Anywho, I am rather disturbed at the lack of progress. Is this thing dead? I thought you people would have been to version 4.8 by now. I know no one cares who I am, I'm just asking a question okay? I mean, I heard Sul left, and Clonecommand has been gone for a while, I thought maybe Naz had given up on it.

The BugHunt - Compiled List!

07 November 2007 - 02:08 AM

>>> NO POSTING HERE! This is for reference only! Thanks! =) /Naz <<<

This is hopefully going to be a helpful list made by me, by request from Nazgûl. This is all the bugs found in the "THE BUG HUNT - for Beta V!" - filed, cut up, and neatly stacked, right here. The point of this thread is to give Sûl a quicker glance of all the reported Bugs. I'll start at page 4. The list will be getting bigger over time...

EDIT: I added quotes as well, so if you could use that when pasting new ones it would be great. Makes it even easier to read/check the list! /Naz :xcahik_:

-- Soviet
Map: Southern Ithilien (BFME 1)
Faction: MOTW
Units: Rohirrim
Bug: Rohirrim do not trample isengard units. They simple slow down and engage like they do with buildings. I think I encountered the same thing one time while facing goblins.

Map- Black Gate
Units- The wild drakes in the top right corner
They are "friendly" as in wont attack, nor are they or their lair attackable.


Map- Mirkwood WOTR
Faction- Dwarves, Moria
Units- All
-During battle I clicked an enemy unit, then I clicked the shortcut button (D)to change stance to aggressive
And it changed the !enemy's! unit stance to Aggressive.
Accidental cheating going on here.


Map- Dunharrow
Faction- Elves, Moria
Unit- Summoned ent
When the ent was trying to extinguish the flames in a river, he was standing at the border but didn't go inside
he was frozen, I could not control him.

Map- Dunharrow
Faction- Elves, Moria
Units- Gwaihir
You can build three Gwaihirs:
One the normal way,
One when you found the ring,
One after building the ring hero, but that one didn't arrive. After the building time was completed, there was only the message that he came, but no Gwaihir.

Faction- Mordor,Men
If you build an arrow tower, upgrade it with fire arrows and destroy the building after that yourself, there is still a yellow spot.

Same game:
If units gets leadership by a statue they have black quadrats at the floor under them.

The last point:
The Balrog is much too small.

Units-Green Dragon Inn
If it gets destroyed you can't rebuild it, theres no rubble.

Map- Cair Andros
Units- King Brand
-King brand acquires his 'dragon slayer' ability at level 8 when its suppose to be a level 10 ability.
Checked out the falcon thing again it only happens (so far) when gloin uses his 'slam' ability on units near the falcon.

More to be added...

>>> NO POSTING HERE! This is for reference only! Thanks! =) /Naz <<<

EDIT: since this is not being updated... I'll remove the pin... /Naz