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Member Since 03 Nov 2007Offline Last Active Mar 26 2008 09:42 PM
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In Topic: Comments & Suggestions for Beta V!
16 February 2008 - 05:09 PM
the problem with it is still the massive amount of coding it would take to actually get the units to walk on the walls. If you guys can't do that (which i think is probably the case), could you at least make arrowtowers in walls garrisonable?
In Topic: Comments & Suggestions for Beta V!
18 December 2007 - 03:36 AM
Don't think this has been suggested before - Formation options?
Right now you have the standard defensive, normal, aggressive and thats nice and everything, but all it does is change their grouping a little bit. From what I get out of the game I don't see why it wouldn't be fully possible, and maybe even easy to add some different formations to choose from for your battalions. For example, delta formation (a V), staggered, more spread out, box formation, protect important units like battering rams, and line (just a single line of guys.) This would add a lot more micromanaging into the game and give a whole new dimension in tactics, or at least a lot more than simply choosing defensive or aggressive. Something like the delta formation would be extremely useful with cavalry also.
Right now you have the standard defensive, normal, aggressive and thats nice and everything, but all it does is change their grouping a little bit. From what I get out of the game I don't see why it wouldn't be fully possible, and maybe even easy to add some different formations to choose from for your battalions. For example, delta formation (a V), staggered, more spread out, box formation, protect important units like battering rams, and line (just a single line of guys.) This would add a lot more micromanaging into the game and give a whole new dimension in tactics, or at least a lot more than simply choosing defensive or aggressive. Something like the delta formation would be extremely useful with cavalry also.
In Topic: Gondor (MotW) faction
15 December 2007 - 04:59 AM
I agree that Gamling should be put in, but Grimbold as well if Gamling goes in. It would really start to create a great set of Rohan heroes that they need, because, to be honest right now they mostly suck.
In Topic: Erebor (Dwarven) faction
05 December 2007 - 04:54 AM
right now men have gandalf, elves have an assortment of fairly powerful heros, goblins have the dragon, isengard has saruman, mordor has the witch king. I think Radagast for Dwarves wouldn't be a bad idea. Right now they don't have that really powerful hero that the other teams have + they don't have many heros.
In Topic: Comments & Suggestions for Beta V!
01 December 2007 - 06:14 PM
#1 Anduril had no power against Sauron. Sauron was not even fighting against Aragorn ever. (Who to be completely accurate, did not even fight at the battle of the Black Gates. If you read the books, it tells you that he was standing at the top of a hil watching and directing the battle.)
#2 Also, Sauron did not fear the sword so etc...
yea...got you...
anyway, I know why you have the battalions of units limited for elite units and I'm totally fine with that, it adds a lot of strategy to the game, but I also like huge battles. I tend to pump up command point limits to 2x or higher sometimes. Would it be possible to implement a system where when you set the command point limit higher, the amount of elite units you could build would increase as well? ex: 1x : 2 Battalions, 2x: 4 Battalions 8x: 16 Battalions, etc.
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