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Member Since 05 Nov 2007
Offline Last Active Nov 23 2007 09:50 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: THE BUG HUNT - for Beta 4.6!

07 November 2007 - 06:49 PM

Map: Black Gate
Unit: The wild drakes in the top right corner
What: They are "friendly" as in wont attack, nor are they or their lair attackable.

In Topic: THE BUG HUNT - for Beta 4.6!

05 November 2007 - 03:33 PM

Men vs goblins
Rohan Horsemen
they dont trample goblin infantery :S (the gondor nights do trample though)

In Topic: THE BUG HUNT - for Beta 4.6!

05 November 2007 - 12:51 PM

Map: -
Faction: -
About: Create a Hero
Problem: The Captain of Gondor CaH skill "blademaster" is no longer selectable in skill setup screen.

Map: All (I tested it on 15 different maps)
Faction: humans/dwarfs/elfs
About: Create a Hero
Problem: Captain of Gondor' Starlight only gives the blue glow around affected units, but wont heal them

Map: All (tested it alongside starlight)
Faction: humans/dwarfs/elfs
About: Create a Hero
Problem: Captain of gondor's spearthrow shows no animation when on horseback